A Hair Mistake???

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Oct 7, 2012
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I should have never ever let my husband talk me into getting bangs, neverrrrrrrrrr. I hate them, hateee them! :evil:

Everyone keeps telling me they look great, really pretty, but people lie lol. Well except my husbands he's brutally honest and I love him for it, but even he said I look great.

I dye my hair jet black to cover my grays easier, and so far I have been called Cleopatra, that friend of Pocahontas, and Obamas wife.

Anyone know how long it takes to grow bangs out or what the heck I can do in the mean time, or shall I suffer for months?

Also anyone know of any kind of herbal supplement to help hair grow faster? I cut my hair short when I was in med school to spite my rude teacher and it seems the older I get the harder it is for my hair to grow longer faster.
Hair takes a long while to grow...but I have heard a few tricks to make it grow longer faster...you can try them ...one is never wear a hat...it hurts the hair if worn to long and if your wanting it to grow avoid them for a while (in guys it speeds them going bald)...second I heard putting mayo on it helps but then I think my uncle is just crazy >.>...third is cut it actually...cutting stimulates growth...the less often you trim your hair the slower and slower it grows...so just trim it maybe a quarter of an inch a month...should speed the growth slightly...depending on how long you want it to be will still take a while but avoiding trimming it so it can grow will just make it take longer @.@ >.> I learned this when sadly I went and got a hair cut...the "stylish" thought I was a guy for some reason...and ug it was terrible...but hope this helps?
So...your husband is honest with you, and he says the bangs look great? And so does everyone else, and they ALL, every one of them, must be fibbing??

Sounds like you have a great haircut to me! Give it time. Big changes can bring out insecurities.

I once went from hair down to my behind to hair just below my ears (was donating to Locks of Love). The stylist was appalled at how much I was cutting, and kept asking me if I was sure :p I had a hard time adjusting, but haven't gone back to longer hair.
BTW, just an FYI, the "cutting hair to stimulate growth" is partially a myth. The only part of your hair that is still alive are the cells forming the hair shaft deep within the follicle. Cutting the ends of the hair won't stimulate anything because it is basically dead keratinized cells. ;) HOWEVER, there is a kernel of truth...if the ends of your hair are damaged, they'll split and ruin the hair shaft...so if you start to see split ends, cut them or the hair will break and thus won't be as long as it could be.

In other words, if you just cut your bangs, don't cut them again until you see split ends forming. ;)

My advice is...get a clarifying shampoo that is safe for color-treated hair and use liberal amounts of conditioner. If you aren't already, start timing your conditioning...slather it in there, then wait three to five minutes to let it soak in before rinsing. If you can get one that is good quality, a leave-in moisturizing spray will help slow the damage of the ends, so they won't split as readily.

I think you are just going to have to suffer, sorry. Growing out hair can be a pain in the butt...I used to have hair so long I could sit on it, then one day I got in a funky mood and cut it all short. :roll: Now I'm slowly growing it back out (at least on the top, I've got a pretty severe undercut) and man is it taking forever!!! My dad keeps telling me I should cut it again, he says I look like a "hippie." :lol: You should see his face when one of my friends comes over....he has beautiful light blonde hair, and it's about four feet long now. :lol:

Best of luck with growing them out...it'll take a while but it'll happen eventually.
How short are the bangs? I love having bangs, makes me look younger and more cute, but they are a huge hassle when working and they are high maintenance. Plus, my hair isn't as thick as it was when I was in high school and that really effects how I can have my hair.
Maybe you can just comb them off to the side if they are long enough or add hair so they are longer on the sides.
Or you can post a pic of the bangs and we'll understand better if anything can be done with them.
I have really bad insecurities, when people first meet me they usually say I'm very confident, head strong, and in a way I am, but other ways not close. I cannot buy clothes without my husband telling me just do it. Yesterday we went clothes shopping because I needed a few more tops and we finally settled on two, first time in three years I picked out my own clothes with little help from my hubby.

I use my tattoos as a way to "feel" good about myself because I always pick them, and I never ever ask my husband his opinion until after I get them.

My major in college was psychology, I took that for about three years and that really opened my eyes about myself lol. Now using that help is another story.

The bangs reach about my eyebrows. And your right Marinea I don't think everyone is fibbing to me, it's just another thing I tell myself. Maybe I really should ask how can I style it to make myself feel better about it? 50% of the time My husband dose my hair for me, the other 50% I straighten and call it a day.

I tend to just do things without thinking because if think about it, I either wimp out or bug the crap out of my husband. I used to have hair almost to my butt, and last year cut it all off, mistake yes but you know now that I think about it I got used to it.

Maybe I'm just so upset about my bangs because it is a big change? For awhile I could remember being upset about my weight gain and telling myself to just deal with it. Honestly hearing other people opinions really helps and I appreciate that. I really don't have a lot of friends I regularly talk to other then a few rabbit people friends I made and my sister.

I'll try and take a picture later and share.
I totally think the nerves are due to the big change. I am sure it looks great! How do I know that? Because everyone who knows you is saying so!
I understand very well, but the opposite with bangs. I can't live without my bangs. I have a really high, big forehead, and I have to keep it covered, so I always have bangs and I never pull my hair back.
I had shoulder length hair last fall, now I have waist length hair. What I do is I sleep in a silk scarf every night, and once a week I take 2 eggs, a half a cup of extra virgin olive oil, and a tablespoon of honey, mix them up with a whisk, and use it as a conditioner. I leave it in for an hour and then rinse it out in cold water. The oils and protein help improve growth and overall health. ALWAYS wash your hair in cold water, as cold as you can stand it. Warm water causes frizz and split ends. You might also want to look into keratin sprays and biotin.<br /><br />__________ Sat Feb 23, 2013 9:48 pm __________<br /><br />Oh, and sulfate free shampoo and conditioner. I also only wash my hair every other day. Otherwise the natural oils get washed out and my hair is more prone to breakage.
just thought id suggest you learn how to french plait, i trained as a hairdresser i often cut in bangs and hate it too if its too short but i taught myself to braid the whole lot especially when i didnt feel right about short bangs and if you enough time to straighten you surely could learn to braid/plait, do a zig-zag middle parting on wet or damp hair...i will tell u the rest if it takes ya fancy...this time next week it will have grown a wee bit too:)
My internet sucks, or something wouldn't let me log in at home. That's what I get for "borrowing" internet from my landlord.

I think maybe as it grows a bit more I'll get used to it, or I'll avoid mirrors for a couple months.

I still don't like it but it's growing on me, and my husband adores it.

Lawliet that's actually a good idea, a bit gross but I'm up for natural things. We have switched to most if not all natural herbal and home remedies.

Julz I'd love to learn how. I fail at doing things with my hair, and often wish I had someone to teach me. My husbands not always there to do my hair in the morning.
thought of another thing i do when the hair aint right ...i put a silk scarf over my head i actually wear one alot when hair is short i dont suit the alice band but thats another thing you could try do you know how to plait with 3 strands? braiding close to the head is the same process take 3 thin sections 1 from zigzag parting from the top front of bangs 1 from just behind near to the parting and 1 from your forehead hair line plait these like you would normally then take a small section from the zigzag part and add it to the closest strand at the top which you have already plaited and repeat with thin sections from your front hair line basically you are gathering 2 new sections of strands 1 from the top and 1 from your hair line plaiting them as you already have the 3 strands you just keep the motion of plaiting and keep it as tight as you can to your head it will take practice try doing it without a mirror i had to learn it like this in a salon beleive me when you really need a solution to bangs not quite right you will really get the hang of plating it faster than straightening and you could use nice natural oils as was also suggested which will be great excuse to keep the oils or whatever u use on while its plaited but like others have said im sure u looks great any how hope this helps.
I HATE my bangs-- every time I cut my hair short, I regret it for the next three years---too darned expensive to keep hair short. My bangs are finally long enough I can put them in a hair tie-- and make a small pony tail of them, put to one side of my scalp. My hair is still pretty thick, and if I leave it long, there is enough natural color in it, most peopple don;t notice the grey-- and I really don't mind the grey, either-- I guess I am just really strange--
3mina":1uctun5a said:
You aren't the only one Frosted, I could care less about the grey. I look at it as cheap highlights
No, not 'cheap highlights' But more liked 'recognition' for a lot of hard work!!! Grey hair is the 'trophy' one gets for being good, honest and caring. Why else would it be connected with "wisdom?"
Frosted Rabbits":2xhy8eq2 said:
3mina":2xhy8eq2 said:
You aren't the only one Frosted, I could care less about the grey. I look at it as cheap highlights
No, not 'cheap highlights' But more liked 'recognition' for a lot of hard work!!! Grey hair is the 'trophy' one gets for being good, honest and caring. Why else would it be connected with "wisdom?"
I'll take that gladly :D