A fair price

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2011
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I am not sure where to put this, so if doesn't belong here please feel free to move it.

What would be a fair price on Creme d'Argents?
JR bucks,JR does, proven working bucks and does?? Trio discounts....??
no, I am not getting out of them! (LOVE this breed) just now have enough to start thinking about the prices to ask.
I got mine for a really good deal so am not sure what a fair price for them would be.
Your thoughts
I've been dealing with that problem with my Americans lately. what I've been looking at is 1:are they showable (no DQs); 2:Are they in demand in my area; 3:Are they in demand around the country and am I willing to ship?; 4:does the rabbit have any legs on a championship?

Some people sell at one price WITH pedigree, and another price without. I just have one price, and that includes the pedigree.

You don't want to GIVE them away, but you don't want to price yourself out of the market, either.

oh..and will you give a discount for 4H kids? (that's a big question around here)
I think a fair price for ANY breed of good quality with non-angora fur is:

$25 for pet quality (no pedigree)
$50 for un-proven show and breeding stock
$75+ for proven show and breeding stock

Those are my guidelines for my two very different breeds. I will sometimes lower my pet price, and I will provide discounts for 4-H'ers that are obviously interested on their own and not just being pushed into it for the discount by their parents (this happens surprisingly often!) I don't offer discounts for breeding trios. My prices are fair and anyone interested in a breeding trio will have the same opportunity I have had to make that money back, and then some. They should consider it an investment. :)

If you're having trouble selling locally, take your marketing online and learn how to ship. For a rare breed like Cremes, you should have no trouble selling them, even across the country, if you have good photographs and information on an easily accessed website!
Thank you for your replays.
I am in the process of building a rabbitry website.
I was thinking the about the same price range. I need to hear what is considered fair. I don't want to over nor under charge.
A fair price is determined by the individual a lot of people have different views of what is fair and what isn't. I sell my pet stock for $45.00 just because I feel that if someone is willing to pay that much for a pet they're a better fit then someone who complains about a $10.00 pet being too much money. My prices aren't set in stone either. I do tend to lower my prices a great deal for new breeders or people who need a little help with their herds that maybe can't normally afford my prices. Some days I just feel like a rabbit is worth X amount of money and price it that way.
The price you sell or purchase any rabbit for is debatable.
I find that too often people purchase a rabbit on the merits of
a particular pedigree or the fact that the rabbit or seller
has been to a lot of Rabbit Shows.
They tend to not resort to purchasing the "Rabbit"
on it's own merit! If a Rabbit has what you are looking for and will
be an asset to you breeding program, does it really matter
what names are on the Pedigree or how many wins it has or has not had?
You are purchasing the Rabbit not the parents of the rabbit.
I have in the past purchased a rabbit for as little as $10.00
but it had something I needed, it was an asset to me but not to the seller.
Yes the rabbit served it's purpose and was moved on, but at the time it was a useful
addition to the herd. I have paid much higher prices but again, only because
it had something that I needed to add to the herd.
Don't judge your purchase by the price you are paying, judge it on the basis
of the merits of the animal! [If you got a break, you might want to pass it on.]
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
I've never actually shipped a rabbit before. I usually just meet people at shows a few times a year when we venture South of the border. I sold a pair of Bruns to a girl in Maine in February after meeting her at the PA State convention
I bought 8 total and 5 were bucks. Most rabbits here are going for $15.00 or $20.00 for mixed and pure start at $25.00 and up even w/o peds.

With my dog program I consider 80% on the dog 20% on pedigree. since I know that even an ugly(for the standards)dog can throw outstanding show Q if it is in the bloodline.
creme are currently on the ablc list http://www.albc-usa.org/cpl/wtchlist.html. Meaning that breed you have is one of breeds that might not exist for very long...Its kind of a endangred species list for animals. I would consider that when you decide on your prices.. Reasearch what other breeders are selling the rabbits for and decide from there...I would defiantly give discount also to ffa youth...I know that 4h is considered more of rabbit youth organization ...You willl probly have kids from that group also looking for rabbits....
Yes I know this, my sons showed Harlequins and it still took me 18 years of looking to find a breeder that I could pick up from. Even then she had to meet me half way. I bought every one she had available.