Yes, according to the article some counties are requiring removal upon development, We are not in one of them, but it makes no difference to me at this point anyhow, it's not an attractive bush any longer, it's funny at one time they were the quickest three growing things in our yard...when we let it "go back to nature" but since then...the native maples and wax myrtles have sqeezed them out and they are barely hanging in there....though they do reseed so I will probably removing them this year.... On another note...I forgot to list Dog fennel on my weed list...IS IT SAFE??????? for rabbits?<br /><br />__________ Wed May 09, 2012 9:39 am __________<br /><br />So I wrote about my adventure of weed identifying in my blog this week...attached a good link on a study that was done on supplements comparing some different plants...It cleared my wedelia as safe so that was good! I also linked to this great site...and Maggie was so kind to let me use her list in my blog....thanks guys! you are all so helpful! My link is below....