a bad start to the week

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2010
Reaction score
Trenton Ont
The 5 week old lionhead cross babies were doing fine until this weekend. All were plump and active and friendly. That is until I had company, got carried away with entertaining, and neglected to pay attention to the feed. I poured the last of one bag into Berthas bin, and opened a new bag to feed the babies. I forgot to mix it. Now I have 3 very gassy kits in my lizard room (the warmest place in the house), with damp bums because I had to clean them up a bit. I hear lots of gas noises, but I see round poops and they are still very active (even doing binkies on the linoleum!). They have mixed grass hay (which they aren't touching yet) and a big clean water dish. And a very confused iguana watching them run and hop (don't worry, she is vegitarian, and they are in no danger of being eaten, they, however have been climbing on her and checking her out).
I have a long week ahead of me, don't I!
Grass hay is definitely the ticket... and maybe a little kitchen oatmeal. Some infant gas drops would likely help with the gurgles. Good that they are active... it will help keep things moving through.

Sure hope your week improves as it goes along! :clover:
I'm with Maggie. I want to see pictures of this. lol. I sure hope your week gets better! They put Mondays at the beginning of the week so that you can just go ahead and get them out of the way early.
Poor iguana is probably not just confused but lightheaded as well.
I don't worry about the kits nails, lizard scales are so tough they can walk through broken glass and not bleed. I do worry about them nibbling on what is left of her spikes ( I had to shoo them away a few times). Miss Natalie is quite ok with them running and entertaining her. I'll try to get pics tonight.
Glad the kits are improving! Just watched the video (and the one of Miss Natalie in the Christmas tree). Very cute! And certainly curious about Miss Natalie, aren't they? Active bunch... they can't be feeling too bad.
Very cute! They seem to be having an absolute hay-day! I'm thinking Miss Natalie will be happy to have her room back. lol
I constantly insert speech bubbles when deal with any of my pets. Yes, I sound crazy when "making" my pets talk... but they make it so easy to entertain myself!

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