8 week old won't eat

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2013
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My husband drove 2 hours each way on Sunday to pick up two Silver Fox does. One 6 months old and one 8 weeks old. I'm feeding them the exact same pellets that the breeder was feeding. The 6 month old isn't eating much, but I swear the 8 week old doesn't seem to be eating ANY pellets. They have all the hay they can eat and I have been giving them some rolled oats, which they are cleaning up. I'm giving them maybe 2 tablespoon of oats a day.

On the one hand, I don't mind doing away with pellets. That was my eventual goal anyway. I guess I'm just panicking a little that they just quit eating the pellets. I feel like I don't have everything in place to give them a balanced diet just yet. I was planning on phasing the pellets out, not cold turkey.

All suggestions are very, very welcome. Thanks!
Hopefully someone can give you some more insight. I've never fed my buns pellets, it's always been hay.. rolled oats here and there some pumpkin puree and a little bit of veggies.
The little one may just be stressed still from the move. Is it losing weight? I might up the oats a little, and maybe offer some greens to try and get its attention. Hopefully, someone with more experience will chime in.

*fingers crossed for the baby*
Once they are well settled I'd cut back the hay and oats and get them eating their pellets if that is part of your regular regime. Could be they are somewhat stressed from the trip OR they are so much enjoying the hay and oats that they are saying "meh" to the pellets.
It does seem very odd.

Did you ask the breeder what they were feeding? Perhaps they give mostly grains as well.

Do you have a kitchen scale available so you can monitor their weight to be sure they are gaining?

The only other thing I can think of is the 8 week old was not weaned properly and not use to eating food. If you have a nipple waterer I would switch to a crock just incase they are not familiar with nipple drinkers.
Neither one seems to be dropping any weight. Like I said, I wouldn't necessarily mind feeding them more oats and hay and no pellets. I was just concerned with such a drastic change. They seem to be feeling fine. Still plenty active and very friendly. Maybe it's not as bad as I thought.

If they were to continue to refuse pellets, how much oats should I feed them? If I were to do that, I would also get them a higher quality hay. So far they have refused the greens, but I'll keep trying. Thanks!<br /><br />__________ Thu May 16, 2013 8:32 pm __________<br /><br />I've seen both of them drinking well, so I'm not too worried about that. I did have crocks with them at first, but they weren't using them and kept spilling them so I just took them out.

I just weighed the baby, Blossom, and she has gained 2 ounces since Monday or Tuesday, I can't remember which. I guess that's not too bad for a bunny that doesn't appear to be eating.

The other one, Bailey, I'm not sure I want to try picking up to weigh just yet :lol:
I'm sure I'd end up shredded. At this point I'll just feed her what she'll eat and keep an eye on her. I'll work up my nerve after I get some good thick sleeves to wear.
Did the breeder feed hay at all? I notice that my rabbits go crazy for it, preferring it even to grain, so they may just prefer it to the boring ol' pellets that they are used to.

I have successfully switched both my pair of Lionhead and Beveren rabbits straight from pellets to grain, since I do not feed pellets. The Beveren doe had a bit of loose stool for the first couple of days, so I added probiotic powder to her grain.

My mix contains barley, oats, and BOSS. Some people feed only one type of grain with no issues. They get about the same ration of grain as they had of pellets per day.

Dood's suggestion of providing a crock is a good one, since rabbits that don't drink enough don't eat well either.

It sounds like they are doing fine since there is no weight loss. I would just continue to monitor them.

Parsley stimulates the appetite if you can get them to eat it. :)

Good luck! :clover:
Thanks everyone! I think I'm just nervous that something will go wrong. I've got three Silver Fox bunnies now, and they weren't cheap. I had a pet bunny as a kid, but raising them seems very different. In my reading I have found that pet bunnies are treated very different than meat bunnies or breeder bunnies. Thanks for putting up with my silly questions!

Also, if I would feed them the same amount of grain as pellets, does that mean the baby(8weeks) should be getting free fed? And how much should the 6 month old doe get? A 4 month old buck? Thanks!