5 or 6 months?

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2012
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Should I wait till she is 6 months to breed my english angora doe or could I breed her at 5 months? I don't want to breed her in the middle of the summer heat so I wanted to do it in may instead of waiting till july. And if I wait till summer is over till fall she would be 8 or 9 months old. What would be the best bet? :)
Is she at senior weight? Also flip her over and see how dark her parts are (gotta get through the fluff). Light pink and don't bother. Dark pink to purple and she's in condition to breed. The rabbits will tell you when they are grown and ready to breed.
I can tell she has her hormones already. Her vulva is dark pink and wet when I check it. She is almost at senior weight, she just turned 4 months though so I was going to go ahead and wait one more month before breeding her at the least.
I start checking mine at 4months for readiness. As soon as I see that they are ready, I breed them. Otherwise, I just wait until they are.
My only problem is that I have 2 bucks. One is her full sibling and the other is completely non-related but he is only 8 weeks old so nowhere near ready to breed.
You can always breed her with her sibling. It won't hurt anything, and you may end up with some very nice kits. That will give the other buck time to mature....
I have really been thinking about doing that. I will definitely give it some thought and perhaps breed them in the next couple weeks. Thanks.

__________ Sun May 06, 2012 1:30 am __________

lol well the rabbit's made the decision for me. The buck learned how to open his cage well he escaped inside my rabbitry (while I had the lock of his cage and feeding them and also opened the does cage (she is on the bottom bunk) this was 10 days ago, today I have a positive palpation. Oh well, I hope this litter turns out nice and Star figures out how to be a good mommy. Her mom was a good mother so I'm thinking she will be too.
LOL! He took matters into his own hands! "Mom, get over the whole bunny incest thing- it's okay. Tru-u-u-st me..." :roll:

I hope you have a nice litter! Can't wait to see the wee fuzzy ones!
lol I had decided to just wait for fall and breed her to my other buck but they had other plans. This doe went from skittish to ms cranky pants stomping her foot at every little thing. :roll: