48 hours in transit.... Help!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2012
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I just realized that my rabbits will be in transit from here to our new home for 48 hours. They will be loaded on Saturday afternoon last, but wont be unloaded until Monday afternoon. Yicks!!!!

So how often would you offer them water? And should I just feed hay during trasit? or keep them on their pellets? I am considering putting them in carriers inside their cages, for added protection, and putting them in the back of the moving truck, right by the door for easy access. It would be dark in there and so maybe calm them a bit and not to hot either.

Originally they were all going to go in the van with my husband (yes I drive the big truck every time we move :roll: ) But Im afraid it will be to warm in the van for them. I don't want to lose them to heat cuz the sun is shining in and he doesn't notice it.

Then the kits are going up front of the truck with me. That way I can offer them water and check on them all the time. They will sit in a open heavy box right next to me. I will get bunnys and one kid and he will get the dog and one kid. lol Sounds good to me.

Ok so back to the question........ water How often? hay or pellets? Help!!!!!!!!
Hay, no pellets. I would also give them some vegetables high in water content... celery, sweet potato, carrot, parsley, etc. Since they are used to fresh feed already, I doubt it would cause diarrhea. If you have probiotic paste, I would give that too.

Since they aren't going to have free access to water, except at night, I would give them electrolytes. Offer that first, then plain water. They will probably be fine watered in the morning and the evening.

Using crates in the cages is a good idea. If the crates are large enough, you could just use one half so the rabbits are still on wire. Position them so the opening is against the cage wire so they can't get out. :)
I've left rabbits in my truck with topper for 3 days while using my truck as normal until someone could pick them up. I just cover the bottom of the carriers with hay and put water on at night.
My Rex came from Wisconsin in a regular transport cage with water bottles and pellets. It was a four day trip...they did just fine.
OneAcreFarm":3orljmkq said:
My Rex came from Wisconsin in a regular transport cage with water bottles and pellets. It was a four day trip...they did just fine.

I guess my Mother Hen persona is showing again! :oops:

Name change!!! :p

Just call me MamaHen. :chicken2: Or ChickieMama, if you prefer! :egghatch: :chicken4:
MamaSheepdog":37fg1uxp said:
OneAcreFarm":37fg1uxp said:
My Rex came from Wisconsin in a regular transport cage with water bottles and pellets. It was a four day trip...they did just fine.

I guess my Mother Hen persona is showing again! :oops:

Name change!!! :p

Just call me MamaHen. :chicken2: Or ChickieMama, if you prefer! :egghatch: :chicken4:

Nope, you are fine just as you are MamaHen...I mean, Sistah! :lol: My point was whatever you do, as long as you feel comfortable with the arrangements, they will be fine. :)
Thanks Everyone. I have another issue. A couple of the JW kits are getting poopy butt and we haven't even started this trip yet. I think just hay for the is a good idea for a while. I sure hope they make it thru this trip.
We have 17 kits and 6 Sr rabbits going with us.

My mom is keeping the Flemish Giant doe, a magpie doe, cali doe and the polish trio and 3 kits from the FG as well. :) Maybe she will get back into bunnies on a small scale after all these years. :)
tm_bunnyloft":2s225uya said:
Thanks Everyone. I have another issue. A couple of the JW kits are getting poopy butt and we haven't even started this trip yet. I think just hay for the is a good idea for a while. I sure hope they make it thru this trip.
We have 17 kits and 6 Sr rabbits going with us.

My mom is keeping the Flemish Giant doe, a magpie doe, cali doe and the polish trio and 3 kits from the FG as well. :) Maybe she will get back into bunnies on a small scale after all these years. :)

Dose them all with some probiotics...and add some oatmeal instead of pellets.
I wouldn't recommend leaving waterers (bottles or dishes) in the cages while you're on the road--too much risk of bunnies getting hurt. You can offer water during stops, though.
My water bottles hang on the outside of their cages. and they are up on wire. I am thinking to leave them in their cages. I will be feeding them Timothy hay for the next few days along with oats.
Once we get moved I am going to switch them to grains. Oats, BOSS, Nyger, flax, and Timothy hay. I will add corn free bird seed with milo and millet as well. I am sure that the bunz will enjoy the variety and I will enjoy worrying less about wool block and enteritis. I will adjust the BOSS and nyger according to their condition. I will be sprinkling flax seed and manna pro sho supplement on top of their food every day. It has papaya and yucca in it to help with wool block and urine odor as well as extra vitamins to assist with breeding, condition and such.
I have had to many issues with pellets so they are no longer going to be part of my rabbits diet.<br /><br />__________ Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:04 am __________<br /><br />I pullet the dish of pellets and added a bunch of timothy hay.
Diarrhea is cleared up and they are doing well.