MaggieJ: Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to look and comment, it means a great deal to me.
Diamond, appreciate the info! It's disheartening to say the least, to see healthy rabbits reduced in so short a time to the pitiful little things they become with this. I read the page you linked, very interesting information! Of the four kits, only the two smallest succumbed to the problem, the other two are happy little clams. Did you ever find out what brought on the mucoid enteritis in your herd? Odd that there should be such a horrid outbreak after all that time with no problem, and no doubt distressing and frustrating for you.
Diamond, appreciate the info! It's disheartening to say the least, to see healthy rabbits reduced in so short a time to the pitiful little things they become with this. I read the page you linked, very interesting information! Of the four kits, only the two smallest succumbed to the problem, the other two are happy little clams. Did you ever find out what brought on the mucoid enteritis in your herd? Odd that there should be such a horrid outbreak after all that time with no problem, and no doubt distressing and frustrating for you.