32nd day, what do I do?

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Farm Girl

Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
Missouri Ozarks
My rabbit is now on her 32nd day and has not pulled fur yet.
I put her back in with the buck 10 days after the 1st breeding, so she might have took then.
What do I do, leave her alone till the next 10 days is up and then put her back in with the buck? Or put her in now just incase she isn't pregnant?
She looks fatter than normal so I'm hoping she is actually pregnant.
did you watch them on the tenth day?

I don't really like to test breed, for that reason, but day 32 is completely normal... none of my does pull fur until they are ready to hop in the box and give birth... happened yesterday.

It was actually my first "immaculate conception" because I NEVER saw the buck actually finish the deed and now have twelve new kits on day 32 (yesterday)... just be patient

Pretty much need to wait 3 more days.
I'd count to 35 days after the second breeding, if she doesn't kindle by then I don't think she's pregnant, or she is but isn't going to have them. If you try palpating her, that'll help. They'll be pretty easy to feel in her belly if she's very far along.
I agree with waiting until 35 days after the second breeding. Does often go longer than 32 days... I know it is hard to wait, but leave the nest box in and give her the time she needs. The less interference the better, the way I see it.
As I quote from my mother, "A watched pot won't boil."

Or, "She's not going to kindle with you staring at her."

"That goat won't kid with you watching, go back to the house."
"The ewe won't lamb with you in the lambing jug, get in the house."
"She's not going to calve with you in the stall, get out of the barn!"

ER :wall:
wait, you didn't palpate, you just think she is fat
LEARN to palpate, at this stage, if she is pregnant you will feel them easily

So, um
IDK and neither do you
go molest your rabbit
feel to see if she is developing milk
then starting shortly infront of her vent start tracking the uterus using a thumb and fore-finger feeling for the kits, the will be soft and squishy at this stage and should move when poked.
No bunnies yet. I have a feeling there won't be any. grrrrrrrrrr
Today is the 34th day for the 1st breeding and the 24th for the 2nd breeding.
I palpated her and I didn't feel anything. And there was no sign of milk.

She actually is not REALLY fat, but bigger than I think she should be without being pregnant.
I felt her spine, and I can feel the bumps just fine.

I am so mad, I thought I was going to have bunnies by now :wall: :wall: :wall: <---That is exactly what I feel like doing.

What will the buck do if I put her in with him and she is actually pregnant? Will he breed her again, or leave her alone?

Thanks for the help guys and gals.
no telling, although a double pregnancy is unlikely at this point. She would "probably" refuse him. Just wait one more day, and rebreed on day 36 if nothing happens. I agree that it's unlikely at this point, but you just don't know, unless you can palpate, which I can't seem to get the hang of.
If you put her in with him, a few things could happen.

A) She may already be pregnant in one uterine horn and she could get pregnant in the other, causing her to have two litters at different stages. NOT a good thing, because she could kindle both litters out and one wouldn't be ready.
B) She may already be pregnant and tell him "No!"
C) She may already be pregnant and let him breed her anyways.
D) She may not be pregnant, but tell him no anyways.
E) She may not be pregnant, but then breed with him and then we're back in the situation that we're in now.

Take your pick lol. I suggest that you take a deep breath, yell to the rabbit "Kindle already!" and calmly wait until day 35 of the second breeding. Sorry, it sucks, but it's gotta be done.
Keep in mind rabbit breeders have it much better off. I had to wait nine months for my heifer to calve, and I was excitedly waiting for her to drop a cute little heifer calf only for the rancher (where moo cow was staying) to call me and tell me that Molly calved a nice big bull calf! Lucky me...

__________ Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:20 am __________

eco2pia":ajk9hqau said:
your mom had to say that a lot, did she? :)

Yes :D I was an impatient child.
oh, yeah, I forgot the part about the ten day possibility... looks like an exciting week and a half wait for you :(
If it is only Day 24 since the second breeding, I think you need to wait at least another 10 days. I would never "test breed" a rabbit partway through a supposed pregnancy. If she accepts the buck, you have no way of knowing when she is due and if she is carrying kits of different ages. I don't understand all the impatience to get kits... a week here or there is nothing in the larger scheme of things. Rabbit gestation is so short... one can afford to have a little patience and let things play out naturally.
Oh, come on Maggie, kits are fun, waiting is the pits! Remember? :lol:

But Maggie is right, the sane advice is to sit tight until 35 days after the last possible breeding date...watching wont make them kindle faster, neither will poking them every few minutes! Go knit bunny booties and think fuzzy thoughts. :)
eco2pia":2wn0ce7i said:
Oh, come on Maggie, kits are fun, waiting is the pits! Remember? :lol:

But Maggie is right, the sane advice is to sit tight until 35 days after the last possible breeding date...watching wont make them kindle faster, neither will poking them every few minutes! Go knit bunny booties and think fuzzy thoughts. :)
:lol: Alright, Thanks
Throw them in with the buck, and er... let him encourage her and stimulate some labor...<br /><br />__________ Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:12 pm __________<br /><br />Oh, Maggie, I completely agree with you, I would NEVER test breed, as well, it doesn't work and can kill the doe if she get pregnant in the other horn

BUT, if it's been 34 days since the last time the rabbit could have breed, and you *know* she is pregnant, a trick to stimulate labor is letting the old stud at her, if the sex doesn't work the exercise will.
In this case, since Farm Girl put the doe back with the buck 10 days after the initial breeding, I think it is best that she wait out that time. If the doe didn't take on the first breeding but did on the second, there could well be a viable litter that still needs that extra time to develop. I would not do anything that would jeopardize that.

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