3+2=11 right?

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2012
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Darn you for your terrible math class MSD! :evil: :evil: Either that or someone is giving me kits from their latest popple invasion....MissM....

So my doe had kits about 4 weeks ago or so. I went out to check and make sure none were still born or anything, looked in and saw 5 or so babies then felt around to make sure they were all ok. They all popped so I put them back in with the mom and came inside to update my files. Lola: 5 kits. The litter was much smaller than what she normally has which is around 7-9 but she did JUST get feeding a litter not a couple of days before she kindled with this one. Figured she was taking a small break or something. Great!

I'm a hands off type of person and it seems to work best for me. I don't sit there and take them out of the cage every day to count them and make sure they're alive. I don't even stick my hands in the box to make sure all of them are still popping every day. I will do that about every other day or so but even then its half hearted. Most of the time I will be able to tell my the smell. I know what death smells like, pretty unforgettable, and then I'll check around to see who kicked the bucket. Well, the same thing held true for this litter. I never smelled anything so they were all still alive and when I put my hand in there they seemed to pop around. Great!

Well, around the beginning of week 2 they started "popping" right on out of the box which is extremely early for mine to do that. The earliest I've ever had that happen. Normally if they are going to do that it will be mid week 3. The first time it was only 1 which I figured maybe she got caught on a nipple and pulled out so I put her back in there. The next morning there were 3 out. One I can see getting caught but not three and they were definitely too small to get back in. The lip on that box is 5 1/2" tall. So I took the box and tilted it on its side so they could come and go when they wanted now. For the most part they stayed in the box with the exception of 1 or 2 of them. Great!

I went outside yesterday to do some cleaning and noticed a lot of rabbits in her cage. :? Mkkk, so I start counting. 1,2,3,4..5...6?....7.....8......9?!........10?! 10?! where the expletive did 10 come from?! So as my mind is realing from this new discovery out pops another little guy...........#11. great? :doh:

I've been sabotaged! :furious: Here I try to do something nice for people and they beat me up for it! :cry: Lousy math teachers :explanation:

She is a great doe! She had 3 litters of 7-11 kits one right after another, none ever still born, none every dying in the box and she's pregnant now. She hasn't lost any weight and is producing a great amount of milk. I told my wife yesterday that with all meat she's produced me just within the last 3 months she's already worth over $300. (Meat skyrocketed in price a couple of months ago :( )
That's pretty awesome. She sounds like a dream doe! Will you be keeping some of her does in the hopes they turn out as awesome as their mother?
LPH_NY":21d0858q said:
That's pretty awesome. She sounds like a dream doe! Will you be keeping some of her does in the hopes they turn out as awesome as their mother?

She really is. The surprising thing is that I was going to get rid of all my calis and keep only SF and NSW since none of my previous calis really did anything and all their personalities were atrocious. Now I have no NZW - which were my main breeders and always have a hard time getting my SF bred.

I really wish I had room to keep some of her offspring but I'm bulging at the seems as it is. What I'll probably do is get rid of one of my black SFs since I have 2, replace that one with a chocolate from her latest litter and then possibly keep one from my Cali's litter.

On more of a question note. I know that there have been quite a few accidental breedings from kits here recently with my :pokeeye: going around but has anyone noticed that if a doe is bred naturally, in other words not being forced or put into a bucks cage constantly, that the doe turns out as a better mom? I ask this because it seems like all of mine who either waited till they were 6/7 months old to breed or forced/placed constantly in bucks cage to breed haven't really been all that receptive of breeding. This doe was one of mine that was an....experiment....which I let get bred in the grow out cage (refer back a few months ago to my post I made about it.) She has turned out great.

Random Rabbit":21d0858q said:
It kinda sounds like a "Pay-back Whammie"... :D

Congratulations on a Super Doe !!

Thanks! Murphy has a little place set up at my house I made for him. :D Good ol' Murphy :|
mystang89":4zigtx96 said:
Darn you for your terrible math class MSD! :evil: :evil:

What's this?!? My star pupil is complaining?

Don't make me send you to detention, Mystang. :angry:

mystang89":4zigtx96 said:
I'm a hands off type of person and it seems to work best for me. I don't sit there and take them out of the cage every day to count them and make sure they're alive. I don't even stick my hands in the box to make sure all of them are still popping every day. I will do that about every other day or so but even then its half hearted.


mystang89":4zigtx96 said:
I went outside yesterday to do some cleaning and noticed a lot of rabbits in her cage. :? Mkkk, so I start counting. 1,2,3,4..5...6?....7.....8......9?!........10?! 10?! where the expletive did 10 come from?! So as my mind is realing from this new discovery out pops another little guy...........#11. great? :doh:

See what happens when you don't pay sufficient attention? :nono:

Which also brings up the possibility that you missed the opportunity to document the first ever case of spontaneous generation in rabbits. Or... had confirmation that someone Miss M! seeded your nestbox with their extra kits.

But, alas! Now you will never know exactly what happened. It's a shame, really. :(

mystang89":4zigtx96 said:
has anyone noticed that if a doe is bred naturally, in other words not being forced or put into a bucks cage constantly, that the doe turns out as a better mom? I ask this because it seems like all of mine who either waited till they were 6/7 months old to breed or forced/placed constantly in bucks cage to breed haven't really been all that receptive of breeding.

Not exactly... but this is why many of our members breed their does young- as soon as they show willingness- because they seem to be better mothers, have larger litters, do all their nest prep like they are supposed to, etc.

mystang89":4zigtx96 said:
This doe was one of mine that was an....experiment....which I let get bred in the grow out cage

Now Mystang... don't be tempted to pop a buck into each growout pen of does to replicate this... (I know you are thinking of it, lol!) because you wont know when to expect the next popple-ation explosion... better to just keep checking your young does for willingness. You know... be a little hands on. :twisted:

Miss M":4zigtx96 said:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Payback. :portapotty: Sweet, sweet payback.

Eww. Do me a favor, Miss M- if I misbehave, use the chair. The mental image of what would happen should you really be in a porta potty when it got tipped over is just :x :sick: :x .

Although I must admit, seeing it happen to Mystang is very satisfying. :twisted:
MamaSheepdog":2w3xt7mb said:
Now Mystang... don't be tempted to pop a buck into each growout pen of does to replicate this... (I know you are thinking of it, lol!) because you wont know when to expect the next popple-ation explosion... better to just keep checking your young does for willingness. You know... be a little hands on. :twisted:

Ok, I have definitely been on this site waaaay too long as I was sorta thinking that lol. As far as making sure their ready they always seem to fool me. I sit there and check them and they look ready, nice and dark but when I put them in they always never seem to want to do anything :(
mystang89":2q512hgz said:
Ok, I have definitely been on this site waaaay too long as I was sorta thinking that lol.

Remember those alien mosquito tolerance experiments Miss M implemented? We-e-ell I convinced them to slip an electrode into your brain (focused only on the rabbit center, of course) to better monitor you. :mrgreen:

You can run, but you can't hide... :hiding:

MamaSheepdog":36bdrtvf said:
Or... had confirmation that someone Miss M! seeded your nestbox with their extra kits.

MamaSheepdog":36bdrtvf said:
Eww. Do me a favor, Miss M- if I misbehave, use the chair. The mental image of what would happen should you really be in a porta potty when it got tipped over is just :x :sick: :x .

Although I must admit, seeing it happen to Mystang is very satisfying. :twisted:
I don't foresee needing to tip a portapotty with you in it, MSD... (my, I did put that diplomatically, didn't I! :twisted: ) I thought that the circumstances called for a little more than the :chair: this time.

This was confirmed when I saw this:
mystang89":36bdrtvf said:
MamaSheepdog":36bdrtvf said:
Now Mystang... don't be tempted to pop a buck into each growout pen of does to replicate this... (I know you are thinking of it, lol!)

Ok, I have definitely been on this site waaaay too long as I was sorta thinking that lol.
Yep, he needed more than a chair this time. :yes:

MamaSheepdog":36bdrtvf said:
Remember those alien mosquito tolerance experiments Miss M implemented? We-e-ell I convinced them to slip an electrode into your brain (focused only on the rabbit center, of course) to better monitor you. :mrgreen:

You can run, but you can't hide... :hiding:
Brilliant! I should have thought of that!

3mina":36bdrtvf said:
I confess, I had my does explain a few things to yours :twisted:
It seemed appropriate :cool:

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