2 does - 2 false pregnancies - Why?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2014
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We recently had a Netherland doe & buck - AND - a Holland Lop doe & buck that both had false pregnancies. They both were bred in mid November and due a few days apart. What is the chance, and reason, that this would happen?

Also...... We have (different rabbits) a Holland Lop doe, Fuzzy Lop doe and Mini Rex doe that will not breed. Can't get them to life for anything. We have been giving them apple cider vinegar and BOSS for the past week with no results. Also leaving the lights on for 12 to 14 per day What is up with this?

We are in Michigan where it's been warm all fall/winter.

Suggestions. Thank you.
BOSS is very fating. If the does are not cooperating they may need a diet. Placing the doe in with the buck should get the ball rolling. I have found, with my does, that being placed in with the buck every other day helps. Watch for the proper color also.

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