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  1. K

    BEW Genetic code question

    I've shared it before... but this is a game that has real life genetics and they try to keep it up to date, you can cycle a full generation from breeding to 6 month old doe ready to breed again in 1 week. All genetics are listed on every rabbit so you can test breed. They also have a rudamentary...
  2. K

    How did I get lilac?

    I'm not good with IDing colors from pictures, but if both parents are D/d and B/b then you could get a lilac If you have a blue you KNOW they are both D/d to get the d/d kit, so you would just need the B/b to give the Chocolate / Lilac gene
  3. K

    Animal For Sale Pedigreed Silver Fox

    Hippity Hop Express hits the east side of TX occasionally. Depending on how much of a road trip you would be willing to make to meet the transport they could be moved that far anyway.
  4. K

    Input please on the best choices for breeding a fiber fluffle

    My understanding is that ARBA only accepts rabbits for registration that have pure pedigrees, but a pure pedigree doesn't mean that the rabbit is pure, just that it's pure for the past handful of generations.
  5. K

    Input please on the best choices for breeding a fiber fluffle

    Lol, Opossum is a totally different critter than a Possum. The Possums you have are cute cuddly things with soft fur that came from Australia. Our Opossum from North America is our only marsupial but they are... kind of similar to a lizard rather than a normal mammal? Like a course coated...
  6. K

    Most Humane Way to Dispatch?

    They punch a hole through the skull, they don't shatter it completely though. I've added a picture of a cow skull with a bolt hole. Same idea, different size and placement on a rabbit but same basic idea.
  7. K

    Herbicides/Pesticides in Pelleted Rabbit Feed

    And Grazon is still toxic to the "roundup ready" versions which is mostly what they are doing when they are making herbicide tolerant versions of crops. Grazon will not be in alfalfa... period. Alfalfa will not grow in a field that has been sprayed with Grazon for 2-3 years afterwards.
  8. K

    Herbicides/Pesticides in Pelleted Rabbit Feed

    I mean... true... but my point still stands that a mostly alfalfa feed pellet (which most rabbit feeds are) won't have much broadleaf targeting herbicide in it because it would kill the alfalfa.
  9. K

    Herbicides/Pesticides in Pelleted Rabbit Feed

    Grazon kills all broadleaf plants, so since rabbit feed is mostly alfalfa it wouldn't have it in there because the Grazon would kill the alfalfa. Now, it COULD be on corn since corn is a grass, and it could be in timmothy hay, but shouldn't be in the bulk of the pellets.
  10. K

    What age to dispatch?

    As already mentioned by someone else, the white hides are more valuable due to taking dye better than colored fur. But, another thing to consider, you will get hair on the carcass while processing, it's a thing that happens. I've bought a commercially raised and processed rabbit and it had hair...
  11. K

    What age to dispatch?

    From what I've seen there were 2 separate lines of them developed. One is heavily New Zealand White based and sold white (made more for the commercial lines) and then a non white version that is more mixed breed but you get all sorts of colors out of them.
  12. K

    Incubating eggs

    So, something I was wondering... I wonder if you could get a tube like you would use to tube feed a small animal, drill a hole, then put the tube in so that it will touch your sponge or water dish and silicone around it. Now it's not going to leak air around it at all. Then you can use a syringe...
  13. K

    Is eleven kits to many?

    This map is the USDA zones, Stinging Nettle apparently grows from 3-7, I'm in 7B so I'm at the hottest it will possibly grow. Any of the greens, blues, or purples on the main map are grow zones for it but the yellows and oranges aren't. I don't know that I've ever run across any, though I do...
  14. K

    Tattooing age

    I think it's just the order that you pick them up in. So, pick up baby, check for gender, write down number and proceed with tattoo.
  15. K

    Not new, but returning!

    We broke a water tub open for the horses last night, about 4-5" thick ice. They do good up to about 2 inches, they can break that, but the super thick stuff they need help with.
  16. K

    Incubating eggs

    On Backyard Chickens there was a whole saga of a guy trying to get modern breeds of chickens to the Philippines. that was a wild ride to watch as he documented everything. His hatch rate was awful, but he took so many eggs he got (I believe) at least a male and female of each breed he was taking...
  17. K

    In the UK most people think wire cages are cruel……

    This may be what I had heard / seen. I never looked into it because... well... I'm on the other side of the world practically so it doesn't directly effect me.
  18. K

    In the UK most people think wire cages are cruel……

    One caution, check your laws. I'm in the USA, but something in the back of my mind is saying that wire bottoms may actually be illegal there. Just don't want you doing what's best for your animals and ending up in hot water.
  19. K

    White silver foxes?

    I forgot about that. Here are several open ones so just in case more people want in.