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  1. swaggymama


    Well, the litter born December 18 will be 15 weeks old tomorrow. I still have all 11 of them... and I'm thinking this weekend they'lll be processed, save for 2 females and 1 male, which I'll be replacing my adults with. As for the adults...we think one of our male adults might have gotten...
  2. swaggymama

    Our first dried!

    My daughters and I fleshed a hide last night. I THINK we did it right - there doesn't seem to be any "meat & fat" left... but there are still little strips of what looks like membrane, but it's without pretty much taking off the last layer of "skin" and exposing the pores...
  3. swaggymama

    One of these things is not like the others...

    Hi everyone, your expertise would be much appreciated... 11 little bunbuns doing well - they've started just in the last few days nibbling at mom's food. Over the last few days, I've noticed that one little bun is trailing behind the others in terms of weight... 10/11 are averaging 7.5 - 9...
  4. swaggymama

    Making indoor breeding cage

    I've gotten into this phase of DIY with strange things... I've recently gotten my hands on 4 filing cabinets... one is a tall 4 drawer one, and 3 are the short 2 drawer ones... My first step is cleaning them all up, obviously; but after, I'm going to use the tall one flipped on its side with...
  5. swaggymama

    Water woes

    I did a search for posts but the answers didn't much help me... I'm having a really hard time with water right now. It's cold where I am. Today is -31* celcius... (-23F) and I struggle with the water bottles / bowls Right now, what I end up having to do is fill up a small ceramic crock... the...
  6. swaggymama

    When do they pull fur??

    When do does pull fur? Yesterday afternoon when I got home from work, I noticed that all 3 does have a stash of fur at the far end of their hutch. Not just a fluff... a fairly large amount. I thought they only did this when they`re about ready to give birth.... they were only bread on the...
  7. swaggymama

    Keeping track of my buns here for now

    I haven't really found a method I like to keep track of my bunbuns so I'm going to keep it here until I can move it all to a better place.... and this could have any insight/advise etc too so it's all good I don't know much about the fur names etc either, so any help would be appreciated The...
  8. swaggymama

    using used hutch hay in garden?

    Have any of you used the discarded hay/straw from cleaning out pens for garden use? I was thinking that maybe we would be able to use the hay/straw pulled out to use as mulch in addition to using it in our compost pile...
  9. swaggymama

    Doe with splayed front legs - possibly preggers

    One of my does (flemish giant) has splayed front legs. I wasn't going to breed her - I just wanted her coat to grow out a little more before she becomes dinner because I want to use her pelt to practice on.... but one of my many 'helpers' put her in with the buck, too, when the other 2 does...
  10. swaggymama

    New to processing pelts

    I've been reading up a lot on processing pelts, and I think I want to stick with a more natural way of doing things, but I'm wondering if the steps are absolute, or if there is wiggle room. The way I understand the process is: -clean and cool down -stretch / dry completely -tan (will likely...
  11. swaggymama

    Stuff inside the hutch

    Hi all - DH and I are having a "conversation" about how much hay the buns should have and where it should be. One of us feels the hay should just be tossed in the hutch for the buns to do with as they please - eat it, sleep on it, use it as a toilet... and the other feels the hay should be...
  12. swaggymama


    Hi all... the family and I just recently set ourselves up to hopefully raise rabbits for meat. We live in the suburbes, so it's kind of...well... hush hush and on the down lo, because technically, it's not 100%. :oops: :oops: In any case - at the end of the day, we have a variety of...