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  1. TraceeLynn430

    kits peeing and pooping in food dish

    The chick feeder is pretty efficient; by the time they are big enough to maneuver to it and feed, they are usually too big to get into the smaller sized holes, and the slanted design makes it a little bit challenging to balance on top of it, so it is a bit of a deterrent, but ultimately, there...
  2. TraceeLynn430

    Kit Care

    I have used those plastic bins for litter boxes in the past when I have come to find myself with more new buns and not enough supplies on hand to go around... I have quite a few on hand, so maybe I will just use one of those. (I haven't played with any lumber or power tools lately, so I think...
  3. TraceeLynn430

    After sickness/death how do we clean our cage?

    Vinegar is great for general cleaning, but on many other boards (mostly chicken related) I kept hearing about a product I could never find, until one day I came across it: Sol-U-Guard Botanical. I probably could never find it, because it is sold by Melaleuca, and you have to be a member to...
  4. TraceeLynn430

    Comment by 'TraceeLynn430' in media '12032145 885611378195782 7335347942660837711 n'

    OMG, what a cutie! I have (& have had) lots of bunnies, but this one is just too stinkin' cute!
  5. TraceeLynn430

    Kit Care

    I am glad my rendition of Inca's overnight adventure was an enjoyable read =:-3 I will probably just build her a traditional nest box in the morning, and I will probably use the ex-pen to give her more room; Inca is a bigger girl (and a good jumper!) I've never had an issue with any of my other...
  6. TraceeLynn430

    Kit Care

    I will try to do that- if they were in an actual nest box with sides, I'm sure it would be different... I guess it has a lot to do with them moving about. The enclosure in which she is staying right now is large enough for her to fully stretch out, eat on one end, void in the other corner...
  7. TraceeLynn430

    Kit Care

    Good afternoon, It seems I have somehow come to do unofficial "Bunny Rescue", and long story short, I have found myself with kits. (All but the most newly arrived/delivered buck are now neutered; please don't judge negatively, long story...) I've had some mamas seem disinterested in their kits...