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  1. cjgibson2009

    quick video on rabbit safe backyard plants

    I made a quick video on easy to identify plants for rabbits with pictures just in case anyone new was curious.
  2. cjgibson2009

    not eating/ acting strange

    I hadnt thought of that. Can post the dosing instructions for me please?
  3. cjgibson2009

    not eating/ acting strange

    thank you all for your replies, I found an electrolyte solution recipe on here and made it up for her, I forced her to drink some and then she perked up, i also gave her some probiotics, I cleaned her bottom a little bit and shes just now finally drinking on her own and nibbling at some hay, i...
  4. cjgibson2009

    not eating/ acting strange

    Omg i just went to get her and bring her inside and her bottom is COVERED in nast greenish diahrrea (sp?) I have no idea what to do
  5. cjgibson2009

    not eating/ acting strange

    I have a year old American Chinchilla who over the past couple days isn't eating very much and is pretty much staying in the corner of her hutch. Nothing has changed so I'm not really sure whats going on with her. Any ideas? I'm thinking of bringing her in to watch her for a couple days.
  6. cjgibson2009

    Kindling question

    my American chinchilla kindled one lonely kit this morning. I have the kit in the house and will return it to nurse 2x a day because it is really cold here right now. My concern is that her stomach still feels very hard and she's breathing kind of heavy. She also won't eat. Her past litters have...
  7. cjgibson2009

    Kit weight at 6 weeks

    Im breading for meat. Thank you foe your replies. <br /><br /> -- Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:25 am -- <br /><br /> Im breading for meat. Thank you foe your replies.
  8. cjgibson2009

    Kit weight at 6 weeks

    I have 9 six week old kits from the same litter. (Nzw and american chinchilla) about how much should 6 week old kits weigh?
  9. cjgibson2009

    dehydrated kits

    Im in maryland up by the pa line. Thats a goid idea ill try that. Im also gonna buy pellets and try that to. Thank you so much. I really hope i can be successful with this
  10. cjgibson2009

    dehydrated kits

    Yes i am 100% sure of the plants. But i agree that it cant be coincidence that they die when leaving the nest box. What should i e looking for as a culprit in the hay? As far as the protein goes im looking into it and have been looking on the natural feeding section of this board.
  11. cjgibson2009

    dehydrated kits

    Yeah she does. I gave her some mint in hopes she doesnt get mastitis.
  12. cjgibson2009

    dehydrated kits

    I thought i wrote oats and sunflour seeds to my origional post.. but i guess i forgot... anyways. My remaining 2 kits were hopping around and fine when i went to bed last night but this morning were both dead. It doesnt make any sense to me. They were all completely heathy whe they were in the...
  13. cjgibson2009

    dehydrated kits

    I tried to take pics but they wont post on here... it says theyre too big...the problem with pellets is that neither one will eat them. I give them kale and clover plantain and mulberry leaves as well. I will try and buy some more pellets but they never want to eat them. Is there anything else i...
  14. cjgibson2009

    dehydrated kits

    What concerns me is thar this is exactly what happened to my last litter from a diffrent doe. Im just so confused. At this rate ive just wasted so much money and time for meat rabbits im never gonna be able to eat. This little buck is still alive as of now and the remaining 2 of the litter are...
  15. cjgibson2009

    dehydrated kits

    I dont know what peanuts means. Mama is rex and dad os an american chinchilla. Mama is fed unlimited timothy, some greens and a tbsp of calf manna.
  16. cjgibson2009

    dehydrated kits

    Ok so i lost my last litter and this litter was born a little over 2 weeks ago this morning i checked on them and they were fine. Later i the day the 2 bugger ones were fine but the runt was dead and another one was a little cool to the touch and dehydrated. Its body was kindof rigid and it was...
  17. cjgibson2009

    herbs to increase milk production?

    I lost my last litter bc does milk dried up at 2 weeks. I had another litter yesterday from a diffrent doe and dont want this to happen again. So i heard mint or parsley. Is there anything else i can do to help her out?
  18. cjgibson2009

    rabbit had one kit yesterday more today??

    She's a Rex. I'll try and take pictures in the morning. The one that was dead was definitely stretched in appearance. So far the other ones are doing well. I checked and rechecked the date and they were born at 24 days gestation. I also think it had to do with the heat, their hutch is kept in...
  19. cjgibson2009

    rabbit had one kit yesterday more today??

    Yesterday my rabbit had a kit stuck halfway out when i went to check her. I got it out but it was already cold and appeared to have a broken neck. I put her nest box in but figured that all the other kits would have died. Sometime today after 6am (the last time i checked) she had 4 more. They...
  20. cjgibson2009

    kit stiff rigid but still alive

    Thank you all so much! I will definetely be here to stay and learn and hopsfully be sucessful