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  1. A

    Which breed is good???

    I am getting started with American Chinchilla and I love them! They are known for their mellow temperament, excellent mothering skills, and large litters. They are great for meat and fur, and as a bonus they are the only critically threatened rabbit breed so you would be helping to save a...
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    Charge for Dressed Rabbit

    That is so helpful, thank you! I don't think I'll be going to farmers markets any time soon, but being able to barter or sell to pay for feed is a great incentive. Thanks! :)
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    Charge for Dressed Rabbit

    As Sagebrush said, the laws vary by state, and even by county in some cases... for instance, in CA, state law allows selling at farmer' markets, but the counties involved have the final say. In my case, Kern County does not allow selling processed rabbit meat (or, I assume, poultry) at...
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    Treated for ear mites still SCRATCHING!

    I think you are right, Dood, maybe the oils were irritating. I got ahold of the breeder, who said to stop doing the oils as it only takes a couple applications to work. I'll do it again in 10 days an 20 days, I guess? Her ear was super red today; I tried to get a picture, but she wouldn't let...
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    Charge for Dressed Rabbit

    @mamasheepdog -- Are the rules in CA across the board, do you know? Or does it vary from state to state? I don't have a lot of rabbits, but I would love to sell some meat to pay for the feed, I've just been hesitant because I thought it was against the law? I'd love to pick your brain about...
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    Treated for ear mites still SCRATCHING!

    Thank you craneman54 for the reply! I have been doing that, but she was very itchy this evening. She seems to be settling down. I'm going to put her in a clean cage tomorrow and I have separated her from the rabbit she was with. My question, though, is how am I supposed to keep things...
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    Treated for ear mites still SCRATCHING!

    Hi all, I have a pretty doe who is due next week and I noticed about 4 days ago she had mites. Not too bad, just some itching and some crusties, but nothing I hadn't seen before. I have treated her for the last 3-4 days with baby oil, as the breeder suggested, and the crusties area all gone...
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    What amounts to feed doe--with/without kits?

    Hi All, I have two does. One eats EVERYTHING immediately that I put in front of her and is constantly "starving", and the other barely ever finishes her food. Right now they have kits that are about 4.5 weeks old. My question is, how much feed do you all recommend for a doe with kits who are...
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    Sick kit--cull or antibiotic? What illness?

    Thanks everyone for the help and comments. I have to say, this board has given me a lot of entertainment watching the kit killing ideas unfold. An update on the sick kit: we woke up on Christmas morning to an OPEN cage door and almost all of the bunnies wandering around the yard (thank you...
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    Sick kit--cull or antibiotic? What illness?

    I definitely hold no judgement for the kit cullers--sometimes you just have to do it. I'm reminded of my close friend who, after graduating from veterinary school, worked for a year in India. She said she has never seen animals treated more cruelly than at the Buddhist centers where she...
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    Sick kit--cull or antibiotic? What illness?

    Oh my goodness, you guys are brutal! Haha. Culling it is what I suspected you all would suggest. The woman I bought my does from said it sounded like a urinary tract infection, and to give him a drop of subcue penicillin. I think regarding gut health, he'll hopefully be ok since he is still...
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    Sick kit--cull or antibiotic? What illness?

    Hi all, I'm new to this board and pretty new to rabbits. My does just had their second litter (first for Doe #2) and one of their kits is half the weight of the others and it's bottom is wet with urine. There was also some gelatinous liquid near the urethra, but it was clear, not white. It's...