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  1. D

    Feeding rabbits to dogs- How do you go about it?

    Whenever I give rabbits to my dogs, I skin and gut. All the dogs get is fat, meat, and bone. Raw bones of any animal are safe.
  2. D

    All my non-bunny pets

    The dogs definitely bark.......ALOT. They have invisible fence collars.
  3. D

    All my non-bunny pets

    Dove is my middle name. It's my great-grandmothers maiden name. My name is Jennifer. I got Yeti when she was over a year old. Her tail has been docked, but her breed can have any length or no tail. She was also declawed on all 4 feet. That was not my decision, that's how she came to me. Her...
  4. D

    What color?

    You can see in one picture that the edges of her ears have a brownish color. So, yes, maybe a chocolate chin? Correct me if I'm wrong......isn't agouti dominant? Since the dam is broken black, and her pedigree is full of blacks, torts, and blues. I don't have a pedigree for the sire. Does that...
  5. D

    All my non-bunny pets

    I have some unique looking non-bunny pets. If I had enough land and money, I'd have a bunch of large livestock too. Hopefully I don't overload the server with pictures. Cats....... WinMag- boy black/brown tabby Manx(no tail) Yeti- girl silver tabby Highland Lynx(no tail, extra toes, curled...
  6. D

    Question about lops and harle color pattern...

    Thanks you for the help. That does help answer some questions.
  7. D

    What color?

    I thought maybe she was doing some sort of molt, but wasn't sure. When I was in school, all I raised was new Zealand whites. So I never had to even think about color, they were all white. :lol: Now I'm in my 30's and just having fun with it. She's a bit chunky, and the photos aren't that...
  8. D

    What color?

    Dam is a broken black english lop and sire is a magpie rex. I have a pedigree for the dam but not the sire. The sire is definitely not a black magpie, maybe blue or lilac or some light color that resembles blue-ish. This doe is 8 months old. She looks chinchilla, but seems to have 2 different...
  9. D

    Question about lops and harle color pattern...

    Hello everyone. I have a couple of questions. First, are lop ears dominant or recessive? If they are neither, can you explain it to me? Second, I've been told that that tri-color and harlequin are technically the same pattern, except one comes in broken and the other is solid. Is this true...