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  1. chau


    I posted you many pictures on your email adress I hope It could help :)
  2. chau

    Any idea ?

    Yes we're calling it "cch" for chin and "cm" for sable martens I'll show you evolution of babies, indeed they seems to be sallander black or chocolate and maybe lilac !
  3. chau

    Any idea ?

    What would be the martenized sallander code ? It could be what we're calling schwartzgrannen I think at/ B/ cch/cch D/ e/e is that right ?
  4. chau

    Is this a black otter? More pics page 2 :)

    He seems to be chocolate Otter ! I show you my black otter at 2 months old and at 7 months old! His color has turn to real dark black however he was very (too) light
  5. chau

    I need some help with a color please !

    Thanks Dood ! Same thing in Europe! Ex= A B C d E is Opal for you, Gris bleu for french, pearlfeh for the rest of Europe ^^ In fact french people are appart! We couldn't agree even with others francophiles and use the same word for the same color! It's complicated! A B C D E is Garenne for...
  6. chau

    Any idea ?

    Ok ! Thanks I just check on the site where I find evivalence between French and English term, you're right I hadn't look at the right place :) you think he's Black Silver Marteen or Sable Marteen instead of Sallander ? Or it could be of for the concomitance...
  7. chau

    Any idea ?

    Hello Dood, could you explain me the word "martenized" I'm think I understand the idea but not quite sure ;)
  8. chau

    Any idea ?

    Yes I know for smoke pearl I didn't find the right term! Here we're call it "martre à jarres" but I don't know how You're calling it sorry :P yes I'm sure is cchd, no doubt! ;) Blue sallander, ok interesting, it's very light and seems to be lilac at first sight but indeed that kind of color...
  9. chau

    Any idea ?

    Hi everyone, my friend have some babies, I'd like to have your opinion on their colors The mother is chinchilla A/a B/b cchd/cchd D/d E/e (white ears) the father is smoke pearl at/a B/b cchd/cchl d/d E/e According to the marks, we believe it could be sallander white ears, and lilac...
  10. chau

    I need some help with a color please !

    Could you tell me what does SOP mean please ? In fact, here in France the knowledge in genetic is low and really simplified ! We're using the same code but it's really incomplete! Many colors aren't recognice by the FFC (frend federation of rabbit production)it's really different! I really...
  11. chau

    I need some help with a color please !

    Lynx is A bb C dd E usually! I have an other lynx (her code is Aa bb Ccch dd E and she has White ears) indeed they're pretty close in coat color even if she has more white and more "rufus" (I really don't know how you call it in English it's the cinamon reflection) But thanks for your answer, I...
  12. chau

    I need some help with a color please !

    Hi everyone I have a problem to identify a rabbit color! It's a little hard to define ! I'd like to know if you could see my pictures and tell me your impression! Maybe you'll find the mystery ! I have a little rabbit (french lop ? I'm not sure how you call it ) and me and my friends...