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  1. C


    Thank you. I think the worse part is not really knowing what happened..
  2. C


    The building beside is my house, not sure how the wire is connected to that side. Entire yard is privacy fenced and yes the wire is small. I will lock the cage tonight.
  3. C


    I didn't see any tunneling and we dug around looking for a bigger piece then what we were finding. I would hate to think someone would go back there and do such a thing but I will put a lock on the cage tonight. And what can I do about Rats? Just in case. I would rather over prepare than do nothing.
  4. C


    Do you think its rats? Even if we didn't see any tunneling? How can we fix or prevent this problem?
  5. C


    Rats ewww. We dug around the bottom of the cage looking for the body. It took a few mins before we started finding pieces. we didn't see any hole or tunnels. How could we prevent rats from coming back?<br /><br />__________ Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:27 pm __________<br /><br />My Boyfriend took wire...
  6. C


    The only thing I could think of is where the wire overlaps. But its three feet up and something would have to pry and squeeze through. Do you think that's the case?
  7. C


    The wire is from top to bottom all the way around. Although midway there is a line where the wire overlaps because its two pieces. One piece wasn't wide enough. That would be about 3 feet up where the pieces overlap all the way around the cage. And the roof has wood over the top with a tarp over...
  8. C


    I emailed the pictures. That's exactly what I thought about fighting and I knee that was a possibility, its just hard for me to imagine that the other rabbits would completely destroy the other to the point where we only find pieces of skin. I didn't think that the other rabbits would eat an...
  9. C


    I can only access the internet on my phone right now and I don't know how to do that on my phone.<br /><br />__________ Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:27 pm __________<br /><br />Can I email them to you directly?
  10. C


    I keep trying to post pictures and its not letting me. I will keep trying. It says the picture sizes aren't right.
  11. C


    The deceased is a male probably 10 months. All the adult rabbits were around the same age, purchased at the same time approximately 8 weeks of age and we've had the three of them, two males one female, together the entire 8 months we have had them. And we have never seen them aggressive. The...
  12. C


    Yes the single baby bunny is alive and well. No injuries but the other two older rabbits who we presume are mom and dad have been extra protective of the baby. Worse then ever before.
  13. C


    We have had our 3 rabbits in a 8x4x6 high walk in cage my Boyfriend built. He dug down 3 ft and put chainlink around the bottom and sides so the rabbits could dig and not get out. We have had our rabbits since 8weeks old in the same cage together for 8 months with no fighting no problems. About...