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  1. R Buns

    Animal For Sale Done with buns

    What is your location? Sorry if I missed it
  2. R Buns

    Not new, it's just been a while

    Welcome back!
  3. R Buns

    New here

    Welcome to the forum family! Great place to be. Really nice and knowledgeable folks here.
  4. R Buns

    Howdy all!

    Well the problem buck is on his way to be processed. Had quite the time getting him caught and in a cage. So glad seeing him go. New buck is younger. That pushes breeding back even farther. It will be ok though. Was able to pet him a little right out of the cage and he immediately went to...
  5. R Buns

    Howdy all!

    That is fantastic! Glad they are happy to oblige😂. Wow. I am happy to read this method. I was under the impression one buck will breed one doe per day and you breed that doe a second time 12 hours later. Seemed odd to me since most animals breed multiple animals per day just fine. Your method...
  6. R Buns

    Howdy all!

    Thank you. That’s what I am now leaning towards. Wasn’t my initial plan but makes perfect sense.
  7. R Buns

    Howdy all!

    What is the ideal age of a Tamuk buck and Tamuk doe to start breeding? I've seen mixed ages. @RabbitsOfTheCreek stated above 5 1/2 was early but can be done. I am seeing a lot of different ages online and in books for different breeds. I want to get to breeding BUT don't want to push them. Would...
  8. R Buns

    Howdy all!

    Thank you for all the advice. Much appreciated! I agree that I want easy going right out of the gate. Too many good rabbits to deal with that. I was wondering about the breeding attempt. He seemed fine with her mounting him he just got back around her and went at it he just never got the job...
  9. R Buns

    Fried Rabbit pictures

    I can not wait to try this! Such a long wait! 🤤
  10. R Buns

    Hello All,

    Welcome to the forum! Lots of great folks here full of helpful information.
  11. R Buns

    Hello all!

    We have some Black Australorps also. The best for raising chicks. We always keep a few to keep numbers up for the freezer. Actually have one right now raising some American Bresse chicks. She's not a consistent layer but will regularly go broody and allow me to put extra eggs under her for...
  12. R Buns

    Hello all!

    What kind of chickens do you have?
  13. R Buns

    Hello all!

    Chicken math is what we call that. 😂
  14. R Buns

    New Member

    Welcome to the forum!
  15. R Buns


    Hello and welcome! 👋🏼
  16. R Buns

    Hello all!

  17. R Buns

    Ground rabbit sausage

    I have so much to learn! Rabbit jerky?!? I am in! Good to know about beef fat vs bacon. Bacon is a prized possession around here as they still don't make bacon only hogs..... 😂
  18. R Buns

    Water setups

    Thank you. That's helpful. Actually makes sense on the nipples vs bottles etc. Sounds like you have a great setup. Keeping the water cooler is one of the challenges I am trying to work out with less effort. Thanks!
  19. R Buns

    Water setups

    That was one of my concerns. Other than the large livestock I keep track of everyones feed and water consumption. Good indicator of a problem when there is a change.
  20. R Buns

    Water setups

    You couldn't have covered it better. You nailed all my concerns and more. Thank you so much for taking the time to write all that information. I will be staying with my current set up. Thank you again for being so in depth in your response.