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  1. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Animal For Sale Culling hard is hard; bunnies seeking employment

    Oh man, so tempting! I raise Silver Foxes but if I ever brought a second breed in, it'd be Americans. 😭
  2. Bekah-n-Tennessee


    Welcome and congratulations!
  3. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Colony Soap Opera - Ongoing Drama

    I'm so here for this! ❤️🤣
  4. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Old but new

    Welcome fellow Tennessean! I'm new to raising rabbits this year at 50 years old and went from 0 to 100 in what feels like overnight. I also wanted to have my own source of meat and meat that was free of all the antibiotics and now MRNA vaccines amongst God only knows what else our food supply is...
  5. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Not new, but returning!

    Admittedly the desire to soften the cold in the rabbitry is more for my benefit than the buns, lol. There are many pros to having an indoor rabbitry but some of the cons are dumping/cleaning of trays every 3 days and I use triple stacked cages due to limited square footage so I spend quite a bit...
  6. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Not new, but returning!

    😭 NOOooooo! I am NOT ready for this at all. The last two nights/mornings went down to 32 and one of my does even pulled additional fur for her few day old babies. My little rabbitry is indoors in an insulated building that I have AC in for the summers and was looking at options for a safe...
  7. Bekah-n-Tennessee


    Just five with this litter but I had actually guessed it right as the doe is older (proven brood doe) and the first litter for and proving one of my young bucks. Three black and two blues! My very first litter with my original meat mutts gave me nine (all since retired to camp) and my other...
  8. Bekah-n-Tennessee


    Congrats! Just got our 3rd litter this morning and I was just as excited as the first, hope that excitement never wanes.
  9. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Rabbitary Wipe Out

    Think this reply was meant for @RFSatins...
  10. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Rabbitary Wipe Out

    WWG1WGA...Cheers 🍷
  11. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Rabbitary Wipe Out

    I cannot like your post more, although an American, I feel so much for my brothers and sisters in the UK fighting the same fight for our liberty, freedom and ultimately our futures. You are incredibly justified in your anger and I'm angry for you as well. I wish I had some great wisdom to share...
  12. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Rabbitary Wipe Out

    I am so deeply sorry for your loss, that is devastating 😢. Although I'm still too new to be able to give you any decent advice, I just want to say I completely agree with Alaska Satin on absolutely every they said, 100%. Humans will never seem to learn to not play God...
  13. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Journey into quail

    So happy for you! My mom acquired severe allergies to many protein sources later in her life to include chicken and pork (she could eat beef and turkey). Full blown anaphylaxis if any chicken or pork involved. It kills me now to realize that she probably could have had rabbit and prepared all of...
  14. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Questions for people who use a pellet pistol for dispatch please

    ** UPDATE ** Pellet gun is definitely the way to go for me and my better half agrees as well. We did all 10 with the .177 pellet handgun. Our rabbitry is a building with a deck built on the front. We have 4x4 inch high posts on each far corner of the deck with brackets where our gambrils hang...
  15. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Questions for people who use a pellet pistol for dispatch please

    Same here on just about everything you wrote, right down to a nasty SF doe (although mine is younger, 4 1/2 months old but almost 8 lbs already AND I have her full brother who is as sweet as can be)! I actually have to dispatch 10 here shortly, my last mixed adult and her 12 week old litter of...
  16. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Not new, but returning!

    I have one of my kits that is feed dumping and it's killing me. I know which one as I've caught it in the act now twice but I've lost so much feed this past week not to mention, the other kits go without till I refill again. 😡🤬 If I wasn't already planning to process the entire litter this...
  17. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Protective spray for trays

    Good to know! I do the palletized bedding as well plus a sprinkle of sweet PDZ to help kill the ammonia.
  18. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Protective spray for trays

    I have the Bass stackers (30x36) and upgraded to their plastic trays when I ordered the racks. I wanted to avoid the rust issue and figured they'd be lighter and less likely to scratch me when handling. I didn't think to order another set of trays to swap out for when my trays need to be pulled...
  19. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Cage size for Argente D Brun

    I'm still pretty new so take my opinion with a grain of salt but I personally wouldn't go any smaller than a 30x30 for bucks. They get to be around 10/11 lbs easy fill grown, correct? 24" is tight.
  20. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    New to Rabbits and Rabbit Talk

    In Tennessee as my screen name shows but just wanted to say welcome!