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  1. S

    Trying to get the sable and california color in standard Rex

    I have a lot of black otter rex and 1 silver marten rex, castor rex, rew rex and I _did_ have an opal rex but my friend fell in love with him and took him home with her.. with my permission of course. Oh also 1 solid black rex. A sable rex would be GREAT! The only chin I have is a mini rex...
  2. S

    Getting Sable Rexes

    Thanks curlysue! I love them! They are so adorable and wonderful. They were outside of the nestbox tonight hopping around playing and being just plain precious!<br /><br />__________ Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:19 pm __________<br /><br />The babies are doing great. Figuring out a way to transfer my...
  3. S

    Getting Sable Rexes

    Skysthelimit, A friend and I breed, raise, and show rabbits. Mainly mini rex but I do have SOME (standard) rex .... I could easily get you sables or seals or even sable points in mini rex. I know you said you were looking for Rex though. Getting them in (standard) rex will be slightly...