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  1. SarniaTricia

    HUGE decision to make...

    Four Ring.... I am trying hard not to cry after reading your posts from the weekend.... so sorry you are struggling with this. Praying for balance for you. We are given a lot of paths to pick from ever day. Sometimes what we want and what we need don't always line up; emotionally. I honestly...
  2. SarniaTricia

    All Kinds of Problems Breeding This Year!

    You do seem to have a lot of oddities... I've been thinking and could you have rats? maybe mama had them and rats ate them before you could do anything? Also, your question re: breeding 2x a year.... I think if you have very large or could work something to join two cages and leave kits with...
  3. SarniaTricia

    Nest Box Culling

    Well.... I did it.... Her litter is now down to 6 Have to say, not a fan.... but I put on my big girl pants.... reviewed my goals .... and did it.... :( I know I won't feel as ****** when the kits get older and I realize how much easier this is on the mama bunny. (another doe in the cage...
  4. SarniaTricia

    Advice for a newbie?

    Hay cubes are GREAT! You can use those instead of hay if he prefers them.... If you find a feed store they carry them in 50lb bags for about the same price you will pay for a 1/2lb bag at pet stores. Just get yourself a garbage pale with a lid to store the bag in .... and one for your feed as...
  5. SarniaTricia

    All Kinds of Problems Breeding This Year!

    I have to agree with Random Rabbit.... My does get very little break in the spring ... then a break at the heat of the summer (they eat about half rations in the summer and drink lots and eat hay)..... then back at it in the fall.. and a breed a little less intently in the winter(based on the #...
  6. SarniaTricia

    New Set Up!

    Welcome Back! Love the black! Very envious of the sweet cage setup! Beautiful and functional.... what more can you ask for.... :D :D Rabbits, you can ask for Rabbits.... :lol:
  7. SarniaTricia

    Testing for Snuffles.....

    Columbus is now transitioned to my feed.... Came into the garage yesterday to a rattly breathing sound???? Her nose is fine, but what the heck is the rattly noise? Is this a thing with Snuffles? Or could it be something else? I'm seriously considering culling ... cutting my losses and closing...
  8. SarniaTricia

    Why is this a good thing?

    That's EXCELLENT! I had a 2nd time mom loose her whole litter this winter and take over 4 from a first time mom, then ended up with 3 fosters from a friend with a doe that got very sick a week after kindling!... I swear the Doe was asking me to fix her kits when I got there. She fussed and...
  9. SarniaTricia

    Advice for a newbie?

    Maggie summed it up fabulously... I'd just like to add, quite calm environment.... give them time to adjust to the new space before giving them a lot of attention. They need time to feel safe. They are prey animals, and some give up easy if they think they are going to get eaten. Sometimes a...
  10. SarniaTricia

    I did it... I advertised to sell my meat muts...

    Thank you for the Heads UP!!! I rent my rabbit space, and I do not feel comfortable meeting people at a barn that I don't own... I always meet off site for sales, ESPECIALLY strangers. News: I found someone in ONTARIO looking for a proven breeding group! She has a couple of does and a buck, but...
  11. SarniaTricia

    Fighting Stasis? Help? Update: Bizarre stone?!?

    I'm glad River is eating again.... any updates? :popcorn: :popcorn:
  12. SarniaTricia

    Nest Box Culling

    This is a sensitive subject for some people. I posted it in the meat rabbits section for this reason. I believe that I'm going to need to start nest box culling, because my rabbits are having litters of 11-12 or more!! The poor mamas putting so much into raising their kits that , even with...
  13. SarniaTricia

    I did it... I advertised to sell my meat muts...

    if I ever head out your way, I'll make sure to pack some Magpies! :D
  14. SarniaTricia

    I did it... I advertised to sell my meat muts...

    lol :lol: :lol: :lol: I KNOW THE FEELING!! I do get over the boarder to Michigan to show.... nudge, nudge... hint, hint.... lol
  15. SarniaTricia

    I did it... I advertised to sell my meat muts...

    I have been mulling over selling all my meat mutts and focusing my Rabbitry on Magpie Harlequins.... After rushing around this morning to get the herd taken care; I realized, I am not enjoying this... I have this hobby to enjoy and I'm not, because I have too many rabbits! I do have to do a...
  16. SarniaTricia

    HUGE decision to make...

    FourRing I think the move is an answer to a prayer... sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder is a very true expression. If you have someone manage your rental property while you are gone, you can come back to the family after 3-5 years and the pressure that is currently there should be...
  17. SarniaTricia

    Can we talk Weaning Enteritis?

    I have treated the herd with corid a few months back when I got a rabbit that couldn't seem to gain condition.... I assumed it was an intestine coccidiosis issue... he has since improved .... I have also butchered in the past months and had no liver spots. Alforddm... do you feel another corid...
  18. SarniaTricia

    What makes a good first time mom?

    A good mom: births, cleans, pulls fur and feeds the kits... I have been really luck with my does.... I have only had one bad mom, Spots... she would have them, clean them, pull fur for them and leave them.... I was told she was a bad mom when I got her, got a couple of litters from her and...
  19. SarniaTricia

    Losing kits and a breeding doe

    My suggestion would be to use ammonia based cleaner (like a toilet bowl cleaner... wow) pull all the wire cages.... put out in the lawn in the sun... Spray with cleanser let sit a bit (5-10 minutes) then power wash everything very well, so your rabbits don't lick up the residue.... Let dry in...
  20. SarniaTricia

    Can we talk Weaning Enteritis?

    Ok.... so I have been experiencing problems with Weaning Enteritis since I started in rabbits..... Now, I consistently loose kits to it. (1-2 a litter, sometimes as many as 50%+) I have started adding Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to all my rabbit water. (2tsp/3gallons) My rabbits get copious...