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  1. Nyctra

    Silver Fox Doe & Buck, silver/blue kits?

    Dilute (blue) is recessive, so both parents must carry it for it to crop up in a litter. :)
  2. Nyctra

    Digital art commissions! I draw rabbits!

    Some are, uh, older than others... :oops: Lemme know if you need an invite code! ;)
  3. Nyctra

    Ridiculous babies...

    That's it. I'm moving. I must live among them.
  4. Nyctra

    Ridiculous babies...

    I know right? They're so adorable, I cried a little.
  5. Nyctra

    Ridiculous babies...

    I'm having baby bunny withdrawals. I made the mistake of looking up snowshoe hare kits...I shouldn't have...just look at these guys! ... iedler.jpg ... k=W1BE-4VO ...
  6. Nyctra

    Comment by 'Nyctra' in media 'Lamb!'

    And the best kind of nuisance. Insists on shoving her nose in my eye and eating my hair very time I reach in to clean her cage or feed her. <!-- s:in_love: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_in_love.gif" alt=":in_love:" title="In Love" /><!-- s:in_love: -->
  7. Nyctra

    You have GOT to be kidding me !

    But...but he's so cute! Poor lil reject. The pseudo-broken type is my favorite. :D Reminds me of those mismarked Hotots.
  8. Nyctra

    Digital art commissions! I draw rabbits!

    Thank you! ^_^ Basically always open, I've just never been as desperate for commissions as I am now. Even if I'm inactive here, whenever you're ready, just message me and I should get an email notification.
  9. Nyctra

    I caught a REX!

    Stray that wandered in. No tattoo, just showed up hungry and frisky. Never found anything about lost bunnies out here, and neighbors didn't know where or who he could've come from either. Finder's keepers. :whistle:
  10. Lamb!


    so small. so fluffy. my heart is weak for her. <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->
  11. Nyctra

    Digital art commissions! I draw rabbits!

    Thank you! :D Just to show off...some breed art for the game :mrgreen: Pretty happy with my abbies!
  12. Nyctra

    Digital art commissions! I draw rabbits!

    I draw bunnies, and other critters~ -USD via Paypal. -Prefer drawing the four-legged critters. -I'm not eager to do backgrounds or things much larger than listed sizes, but feel free to ask about it if you have something specific in mind. -I can't guarantee how well anything will print.
  13. Nyctra

    I caught a REX!

    And so, so soft. :in_love: My mini rex turned out a dud, so no color fun with him... I paired this fella to one of my angora, a sable that carries tort and dilute, so it'll be fun to see if he's hiding anything. She palpated positive just the other day...yay mongrels! :twisted:
  14. Nyctra

    I caught a REX!

    I've been wanting a rex buck, just for fun...and of course I'm still plagued with black rabbits! My first rabbit was black, and more than half since have been black. :? He's really earned the name Dumb Luck! Not sure if he's fully standard rex because he hasn't grown much. I haven't been...
  15. Nyctra

    Opinions? Myxomatosis or fungal or...?

    11 weeks old. This is the throat. He could hide it pretty well under his chin when he didn't want me messing with it. There's no puss or oozing, and I couldn't find a wound where the blood might've been coming from. It just seems to be raw and weeping. :s
  16. Nyctra

    Opinions? Myxomatosis or fungal or...?

    I've been hearing of myxomatosis outbreaks all along the west coast, so my mind imedaitly jumps to that... BUT these babies have a really dumb habit of basically dunking their heads in their water multiple times a day. It's been going on for weeks and I've been wondering when something would...
  17. Nyctra

    Do you prefer your rabbit to taste like rabbit?

    That's funny - when I'm shredding the meat, I just pop those bits in my mouth and carry on. :lol: It's one of my more favorite random blobs of "fat." I've never noticed anything off about them. Or maybe I have lower standards than I thought. I rarely do anything fancy with my rabbit. Baked with...
  18. Nyctra

    all otters??

    I'm seeing fawn and opals (blue agouti). Blue crossed to fawn will give you these colors.
  19. Nyctra

    Might have a "pet" chicken now...

    Settled on the name Smek, because he's a pompous jerk. :lol: He absolutely positively will not take "No" for an answer and must roost on me at night or he will cry nonstop and very loudly. Chicken feet are unbelievably hot. :x
  20. Nyctra

    Comment by 'Nyctra' in media 'too many babes'

    3 does with litters of 9, 8, and 6. One kit had an accident and lost it. Litters of 4 had seemed to be the common number, and one was a first-timer and two hadn't been bred for a I really only expected maybe 10 from 2 litters at most. <!-- s:lol: --><img...