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  1. Nyctra

    Mini Rex for meat?

    Oh my heart! :cry: Boy do I miss chestnuts!
  2. Nyctra

    Mini Rex for meat?

    From what I've read, supposedly the angora bred to the SOP are supposed to have a good meat type body, and I don't mean to slander, but I think my starters might've just been bred for pretty colors and quick cash. The mini rex's chunkiness is why I was thinking of breeding those little guys...
  3. Nyctra

    Mini Rex for meat?

    I do believe ML have the "normal" fur type I'm most pleased with... :? That longish lush stuff you can sink your fingers into, right? Instead of short, thick, and almost upright like my Cal and NZ were. My dad probably wouldn't approve of eating bunnies THAT cute, though! :roll:
  4. Nyctra

    Mini Rex for meat?

    I'll probably end up picking up whatever looks cheap&chunky. :? I had a couple things going with my last herd, but I could count on kits being about 50% adult weight around 8-12 weeks old. Used to get a fatty chunky 4-5lb bunny by 12 weeks, on rationed feed of no more than a cup a day; this...
  5. Nyctra

    Mini Rex for meat?

    Thought I'd stick my nose in here, where it's not so overwhelming... Curious for any thoughts on or experience with small breeds for meat? Are they really as chunky as they look/feel? Do their feed:meat and dressouts usually compare decent to their larger counterparts? I'm really disheartened...
  6. Nyctra

    Okay... lightly confuzzled. (Kit colors)

    Papa is a Frosty/Ermine. I was gonna say, the fawnish kits have some smutty lookin' inner-ears, and that they looked kinda like minimally-pointed torts, but I guess I forgot to hit submit last night. :| Now I wanna say even more, those fawns are torts! :lol: Now you gotta keep a doe and breed...
  7. Nyctra

    Weirdest thing ever - or at least so far...

    Don't mean to resurrect a zombie, but anyone remember this? postponed-litter-t8284.html :shock: Anyway, congrats on babies! :P I hope they're doing well. Better some than none. Odd things happen. I had a rat once have a case of retained sperm or delayed implantation (forget what it's called)...
  8. Nyctra

    "Murphy's law?" [Update: KITS!]

    On one hand, CONGRATS, ZUKO! About darn time. On the other, I really wanted that angora litter... :slap: I at least better get some pretty babies out of this. :?
  9. Nyctra

    "Murphy's law?" [Update: KITS!]

    Is that what you'd call this? 'Cause this ain't exactly what I wanted. D: Because there's a chainsaw running less than 6 feet from their cages, I brought in a handfull of of the nearest rabbits ASAP. One went in a house cage but the other two were tossed on my bed for the time being. The mini...
  10. Nyctra

    Champagne X Angora cross was a flop...

    Actually his parents came from crossing the French to Champagne, so that would make him an F2, right? Try as I might, all that F1 F2 F3 stuff goes over my head. :|
  11. Nyctra

    Champagne X Angora cross was a flop...

    "Let's see what argent looks like on an angora!" I said to myself 2 years ago. The result is not great....He's not even all that heavily silvered. He was absolutely a woolly baby, but since he shed into his big boy coat, he's just been...I don't know, but I wouldn’t call it woolly. :lol: He's...
  12. Nyctra

    Color ID request

    Sable/shaded agouti would look like a chinchilla, but faded. The mane gene does some weird stuff to agouti, but that certainly looks like a chestnut lion to me. :D
  13. Nyctra

    SURPRISE! I drew more bunnies

    Thanks guys. :in_love: lol Kind of what I was going for. :D "GIVE HIM MOONLIGHT IN HIS FUR" was droning in my just seems so fitting.
  14. IMG 0119

    IMG 0119

    Stev's first time on a leash. She behaved wonderfully!
  15. IMG 0121

    IMG 0121

    Stev's first time on a leash. She behaved wonderfully!
  16. Nyctra

    SURPRISE! I drew more bunnies

    I don't have much real-life bun news to share, so sharing some recent :bunnyhop: art instead. Mostly for the game Lucky Lapine (, and a Watership Down fanart because everyone has to draw the Black Rabbit of Inlé at least once. :P Tan and Tronder (AKA: Norwegian...
  17. Nyctra

    Let's get cliche! [photography attempt]

    eei Thanks! :oops: I've been using PS CS3 for several years now. I think I got it at a student discount, and was allowed to put it on a few computers. After several years of PS, I think I spent a total of 3 minutes in GIMP, screeched because I couldn't understand anything, and never touched it...
  18. Nyctra

    How to break the flipping over the bowl habit?

    I'm cheap and trashy so I recycle things, usually coffee cans and those 12oz chicken cans wired to the wall for water and feed. 8-) Gallon ice cream buckets work great for hay/alfalfa too. :P They don't waste so easy with those.
  19. Nyctra

    Haven't bred for 8 +/- months

    I don't get to breed often, and I know at least one of mine went a year between breedings and still gave me a litter. Meanwhile I have fattyfatfatso pet-status doe I've been breeding almost monthly for nearly 2 years since her first kindle, and she still hasn't given me anything. Depends on how...
  20. Nyctra

    Let's get cliche! [photography attempt]

    Tried another...this time with Dumb Luck. I edited out some stuff I didn't like and tried the blur thing again. I thought he would take better to the leash, but apparently he’s the sort that weaves around porch legs and tries to back out of a harness, so he didn’t get much ground time. :x So...