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  1. SarniaTricia

    Happy 4th of July All !

    Happy 4th to all my American Friends! I'm hard at work.. :lol: :lol: looking forward to some bbq tonight..
  2. SarniaTricia

    Giant breed cages

    Meadow I would call the cage suppliers closest to you and ask if they could build to your specifications. I know our local cage supplier is happy to accommodate non-standard building sizes
  3. SarniaTricia

    Non-Rabbit Related Rambling

    Dutchess My advice to you is follow your heart! If you think vet care is a passion for you.. do it! (It will only be an asset if you are on a small farm as an adult...) Also, there could be a lot of ways to combine your writing with a vet care business.... Be aware that there may come a time...
  4. SarniaTricia

    Happy Canada Day!!

    Canada is having it's 150 year anniversary this year! :canada-fireworks: Canadians tend to be a relaxed group and we celebrate, but, it doesn't seem we celebrate as loudly as our Southern neighbours. This YEAR there are flags EVERYWERE!... Canada is Shouting and we are a proud and noisy...
  5. SarniaTricia

    New Mom... :) Back to normal!

    Thanks Maggie and Amber!! She had polished off her "J" feeder and hay overnight. (I chores in the morning.... and sometimes check up on the way home from work) She is acting back to normal and the kits are all fat and healthy looking! I have never had a doe do this, but with only 2 years under...
  6. SarniaTricia

    New Mom... :) Back to normal!

    Thanks Maggie.... my superfood is boss, rolled oats and calf mama.. She Did not want to be picked up.... vent - ok... ****s - ok... kits - all fed! No Hunching or Teeth grinding ... didn't think To check poops.... will in the morning... hay- gone .... lol I will empty her "j" feeder in the...
  7. SarniaTricia

    New Mom... :) Back to normal!

    My Beautiful show doe Kiki finally kindled a really nice litter of 6 kits. She was starting to get overweight, so I was really concerned she would never have kits. She was a bit off day 1.... but I understand it, most moms are "off" the day they give birth. She kindled June 25th... yesterday...
  8. SarniaTricia

    Dispatching Ideas for a Suburban Yuppie

    I'm Suburban I use my garage and just do what needs doing (dexter style)... my mentor showed me the Whack and bleed method; so that is what I use. I would like to eventually get a hopper popper.... but, right now this works.
  9. SarniaTricia


    I made the decision of getting rid of my meat rabbits to focus on my show breed Magpie Harlequins.... it was a tough choice, but I managed to find a young couple starting out and gave them a deal!! she has given me updates and I feel really good that she has my babies to do meat rabbits with...
  10. SarniaTricia

    Roasty toasty princess!

    Once my sunburns go away... the freckles get stronger and start banding together... but the skin itself goes back to white .... ready for the next roasting! lol
  11. SarniaTricia

    Roasty toasty princess!

    I have Irish heritage.... so I feel your sunburn pain!! my most recent bout with the sun and stupidity (not applying sunscreen!) I ran a cool bath and heavily salted the water with pickling salt.... warm enough to melt the salt in but comfortable temp to the sunburn..... I laid in the bath for...
  12. SarniaTricia

    Harlequin (the breed) specifically Magpie

    I'm Currious as to if you got that chocolate buck Ferra.... I would I have been breeding the Magpie Harlequin for about a year now .... I have been struggling with type and muddy bars/bands... Well... I've got some crisp lines and all 4 colours!! I have 3 very exciting litters born...
  13. SarniaTricia

    New here and a few questions

    You are encouraged to add you general location to your profile as some of your questions might be location specific.... (taking Maggie's job here ..... :lol: :lol: :lol: ) Best of luck with your bunnies! They are very pretty.
  14. SarniaTricia

    Snuffles or Am I Overacting?

    So sorry OldEnglish.... :( If it is any help, your stories (those of you suffering) are strong warnings for others, especially beginners that don't quarantine. I know I have taken your stories to heart and have a serious process for quarantine now.
  15. SarniaTricia

    My setup (with Pictures)

    Looks like you have worked out the majority of the kinks TheChad... and you have some nice looking bunnies growing too!
  16. SarniaTricia

    New here and a few questions

    Welcome! Your questions have already been answered.... I just have to add.... get more cages... a lot more When your rabbit space is full of cages, you still won't have enough... :lol: Rabbit Math is REAL!
  17. SarniaTricia

    Sadness strikes hard

    So Sorry for your loss Such a horrible way to loose her. :( From the information provided, it does look like the delayed kits caused the majority of the issues. You can't be with them 24/7 to prevent unnecessary suffering. Peace
  18. SarniaTricia

    Breeding Rex and Chinchilla Rabbit

    I have found that, depending on the TYPE on your REX, you will have smaller than Chinchilla kits... they will grow a little slower, but if your rex line is compact and blocky like some of them... you could get good meat rabbits that are a little smaller. FUR: the rex fur is recessive, but I...
  19. SarniaTricia

    So Happy to find a buyer for my Chickens

    Background: I live in a subdivision I don't like the current industrial food system (specifically the way meat animals are raised) My response is to grow my own and sell excess product. I "rent" (trade chickens for using their land) space at a friend's farm for my chicken tractor and raise...
  20. SarniaTricia

    Normal Doe Behaviour Questions

    WELCOME!! I've had does that start nest building and pulling fur at day 14 and I have a doe that waits until she is giving birth to build a nest. Each one is different and inconsistent. I have never had a doe with kits you can see moving... I've seen it in a friend's rex, but my Harlequins...