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  1. SarniaTricia

    The Harlequins are here!!!!

    I'm thrilled that you like your Harlequins!!! Andrea (the lady you got the buck from) and I were talking about the ability for non-showable Harlequins producing stellar Show stock this weekend. The doe that produced Foxy(that amazing Harlequin she was showing on Sunday!) has an all black face...
  2. SarniaTricia

    Mini Satins

    Well crap! I found a lovely Mini Satin Buck and my step daughter was looking into breeding them.... :shock: The buck is really lovely!! Finding a doe with the lovely temperament sounds like it might be a bit harder than I thought!
  3. SarniaTricia

    Anyone here raise rare breeds?

    Thanks Faith!! I will happily take blame for Your new Harlequin addiction! I have messaged you already.... I know I can put together a trio for you ... My only condition is that you try and come out to shows and Help me show off these beautiful animals!! The more people that show, the more...
  4. SarniaTricia

    Why is REW more accepted in the rabbit community??

    I am a big fan of BEW (My next breed will be Beverens) THat being said... I hate the Vienna Gene as it shows up a lot in my Magpie Harlequins!!!! Although not a DQ, I need to cull hard for it regularly.
  5. SarniaTricia

    Well Hurricane Harvey has been a trip.....

    The City of Windsor did get hit with a very slow moving thunderstorm cell over the last couple of days and we had record rainfall and flooding. (Nothing sever in the county) But yes, I think a solid evac plan for anyone with livestock should be part of your first aide kit. I am working mine up...
  6. SarniaTricia

    Anyone here raise rare breeds?

    I currently Raise Magpie Harlequin... the Japanese seem to be more rare than the Magpie in my area..... My next rabbit breed (when I get space/time) will be white Beverans <3 Magpie Harlequin Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac Pros: Beautiful Animals and I feel like I am helping save a breed...
  7. SarniaTricia

    Well Hurricane Harvey has been a trip.....

    Praying for all those effected!! I had a good sit down, think about regarding evacuation. I figured I would only be able to take about 20 rabbits.... that is not every bunny. Doing a sold evac. plan will be on list of things to do this week, as I feel that I would need to leave half my...
  8. SarniaTricia

    Recent Rabbit Spinnings

    BEAUTIFUL! THIS is what makes me think Angora is in my future. I love the yarn and I love rabbits....
  9. SarniaTricia

    What a way to wake up

    Prayers for your family!
  10. SarniaTricia

    Weaning style survey

    I have mostly 30x24 or 36x24 or 24x24 cages in towers.... I leave the kits and mom together for as long as I can. Mom will be re-bred no earlier than 2 week after kindling.... (after considering the does' condition and grow-out space) My last breeding, I miscalculated the birthday and butcher...
  11. SarniaTricia

    New Title: In Indy

    I've only been breeding and showing for 3 years, so I don't feel I have the Rabbits for the "big" show! Also, I'd have to plan vacation time around a show like that!! (I already have all my vacation stuff planned for 2017 and my hubby isn't really a rabbit person, so he wouldn't be interested...
  12. SarniaTricia

    Anyone know how Etsy works

    I know nothing about Etsy.... but I love some of the suggestions you have gotten!! I would like to add a personal experience in trying to make a local market for my pasture raised chicken. I have been a member of a small local farmer's market for 3 years. The first year I did 10 weeks at the...
  13. SarniaTricia


    I'm currently working on a 5 gallon pail with a float... hooked to a garden hose in the hay loft... gravity fed... Running tubing to cages with nipples.... a couple of concerns that keep stalling me... The amount of tubing is insane!! (good thing it is only 0.35 a foot) the nipples were...
  14. SarniaTricia

    New Set Up!

    I LOVE YOUR SET-UP!! I have 4 wooden "hang on the outside of the cage" nest boxes that I use in the winter and I think they are great!! Mama rabbits look much more relaxed with the kits "hidden" and not in the cage. My space isn't climate controlled, so in the summer I use the open topped...
  15. SarniaTricia

    Plantago (sp) and Coccidiosis

    I have been occasionally supplementing my rabbits with weeds and alum based veggies (onion, chives, garlic) I need to get serious and start drying weeds for the rabbits and get more serious on supplementing ...... it will help in many areas....
  16. SarniaTricia

    Tans as Meat Rabbits?

    I am looking at some smaller breeds for meat as well.... (my step-daughter's project) Some of the breeds we will be looking at: Havana Polish Mini Rex Mini Satin Thrianta Florida White (this wasn't one of our considerations, but need to throw it in here for your consideration) I have to admit we...
  17. SarniaTricia

    Happy Birthday to Ladysown!

    Happy Birthday!
  18. SarniaTricia

    Accidental Pumpkins!

    The compost pile is full of pumpkins at the farm I rent space from!!! I know were they came from.. lol I'm hoping to harvest a few before the pile gets shifted
  19. SarniaTricia

    Aquisition: Rex

    Ferra I was going to second all those opinions on those rabbits!! We have a great bunch of Rex breeders in the Michigan area and I live just across the boarder in Canada. (I hang with the Rex people at shows, but I show Magpie Harlequin) The ARBA nationals are in Indianapolis this year so...
  20. SarniaTricia

    Exercising my right brain again

    OK... so not my best work... but I had fun and the Magpie Harlequin turned out like all Magpie Harlequins do.... one flaw that makes them not quite perfect :lol: (I realized after I was all done that the feet don't alternate.... Anyone who breeds Harlequin knows how common an...