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  1. SarniaTricia

    Product Design Student planning to make a new type of hutch

    How many Rabbits do you currently own? 18-25 breeding animals How long have you owned your rabbit/rabbits for? 2.5 years Do you own a Hutch for your rabbit/s? If yes, what kind of Hutch and what is the estimated size? Commercially built all wire cages, stacked with trays. 13 - 24x24 1-18x24 21...
  2. SarniaTricia

    Rex crosses...correcting body type

    I cut my show teeth with the Michigan Rex group... they are an awesome bunch ..... (considering when I selected my show breed I picked Harlequin...they still let me hang out with them! He appears to be posed correctly as his back toes line up with the curve of his hip and the front paws...
  3. SarniaTricia

    recycling old bed frames

    I like this IDEA! Now I'm going to be watching for old bed frames... Can you post a photo of your design?
  4. SarniaTricia

    Meals On Wheels----Rabbitry

    "Meals on Wheels" is a thing of Beauty! Thanks for posting photos again as I didn't see the original thread!
  5. SarniaTricia

    Stubborn Male

    What time of day are you trying to breed? Early morning (as the sun is coming up) and later in the evening (as the sun is going down) are the best times (IMO) My rabbits are always more "frisky" then.... Maybe try in a controlled space with lots of room? (eg. Horse stall) I have a buck that...
  6. SarniaTricia

    what a fun weekend

    I think he looks like "Oz the Amazing!" You can of course shorten his name to just Oz...
  7. SarniaTricia

    Big news!

    looks great!!
  8. SarniaTricia

    Do you prefer your rabbit to taste like rabbit?

    Hey Ghost! If I switch my dog and cats to raw feed, I will definitely be considering guinea pigs! I have gotten a bit of a following for my rabbit meat at the Amherstburg Farmers Market, so I don't get to eat a lot of my own rabbits any more, so I would need another source for the raw feed...
  9. SarniaTricia

    what a fun weekend

    That's so great that you enjoyed your first show! I spend many weeks going to shows with a friend that was interested in Rex and eventually managed to get a few ... well now she is a top tri rex breeder and I spent more time researching and watching shows... about a year and a half ago selected...
  10. SarniaTricia

    Cuy Recipe

    Thank you Although I have yet to adventure into eating Guinea Pigs... I always wondered what show breeders do with their I assume skinny pigs would be favoured for eating, because they already have less hair.. :)
  11. SarniaTricia

    Big news!

    Roller compost bin!?
  12. SarniaTricia

    Mini rex cross *Got pictures!!

    She looks like a blue fawn tri to me
  13. SarniaTricia

    Herd Decisions

    I made the hard decision to sell my whole meat rabbit herd to focus on my Magpie Harlequins .... BEST decision I have made!! I suggest culling hard to your bare breeders (1buck, 2 does)... don't worry about proven or not as it appears you can easily replace with what is available in the...
  14. SarniaTricia

    What do you breed for?

    Sounds like you already have a good start! You don't sound like you need to add any new rabbits .... Just take a look at the commercial rabbit type... evaluate your litters, keep only stock that have those wide thick bodies and good depth and use them for the next generation.... This is what...
  15. SarniaTricia

    New Title: In Indy

    I am thrilled with all the photos and FB feedback from Indy from my rabbit peoples!! WISH I had budgeted for Indy this year, but it just wasn't possible.... I will be at next year... I've started my spreadsheets and planning already...! Ozarkansas, Always glad to help someone someone catch the...
  16. SarniaTricia

    It's finally happening!

    I'm very excited for you!! I get impatient every litter.... lol :lol: Himis are a choice I gave my step daughter when she was trying to "Pick" her breed. She fell in love with a well handled Mini Satin tort Buck, so... I guess we are doing shaded mini
  17. SarniaTricia

    Dwarf Papillon?

    They really are cute!! I did look at the auction briefly... but realized quickly that I couldn't afford those My step daughter is taking a stab at Mini Satin rabbits (focus on shaded - tort, Siamese and black)
  18. SarniaTricia

    Big news!

    I'm so EXCITED for you!!! :mbounce: :rotfl: :rotfl: Have fun! Slow and steady and drink lots of water! I know I overdo it when I get excited and sometimes slow down progress because I fly out of the gate at warp speed and then pay for it the next day!!
  19. SarniaTricia

    Picking her replacement

    I have a set of Kevlar sleeves and LOVE them.... sometimes I even remember to use them... :lol: