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  1. SarniaTricia

    Testing for Snuffles.....

    Update on Columbus..... My little Chocolate Magpie Harlequin Doe..... So it has been over 4 weeks since the sneezing (and very small amount of snot) She has been in quarantine since I got her May 7th in Ohio. The breeder I got her from is a well known and respected Harlequin Breeder.... I...
  2. SarniaTricia

    Litteral litter mates?

  3. SarniaTricia

    Box turtle eggs!

  4. SarniaTricia

    unexpected litter....

    LOL.... at least this group only had the one buck in it, so I can track who the daddy is.... If I get a mess of show marked Magpie Harlequins, it might just save him from the butcher :lol: I'll know soon... she was so funny, trying to pull fur from every rabbit that would stay...
  5. SarniaTricia

    Ok to touch kits

    Just watch out... they pee when you pet them when they are :lol: My step daughter was horrified when one peed on her... they were very cute and cuddly until then..... I try and leave a gap so all I have to do is spread my fingers a bit and they can go on the floor of the barn...
  6. SarniaTricia

    HUGE decision to make...

    I personally like option #1... I like that you will have property to work with, house has character and you can't beat the commute! I would be concerned about the structure and would see if you can have some investigating done to see if the house is sound structurally..... The fire place looks...
  7. SarniaTricia

    is my rabbit is close to birth???HELP!!!

    A blanket will be fine.... Rabbits have been having babies without human help for a long time.... :D Thank you .... my first experience with Rabbits convinced me they were all carrying switch blades (Hence the Bad Ass Bunny name) And I was reminded again this morning by one of my does...
  8. SarniaTricia

    unexpected litter....

    I have a couple of grow-out pens and the grow-outs are sometimes mixed sexes, but don't stick around longer than 16 weeks..... Today, during chores I catch a doe pulling fur off her cage mates and trying to hay stash... she's been moved to a solo pen with a nest box ... she's only 13 weeks...
  9. SarniaTricia

    How much Corid per gallon of water?

    In water: " Merial, the manufacturer of Corid, suggests mixing 1 teaspoon of Corrid 9.6% liquid solution with 1 gallon of water and offering this as the sole source of water for 5 days." From a different thread.....
  10. SarniaTricia

    is my rabbit is close to birth???HELP!!!

    Relax, Blue Eyes.... Relax... most of the time the does get everything right all by herself! She will likely get all the kits cleaned before pulling fur.. there isn't a required order of operations here... lol If she is going to miscarry, there is nothing much you can do... if she is doing it...
  11. SarniaTricia


    I had a first time mom that loved to sit in her nest box.... Like Marinea said, check and make sure she isn't using it as a litter box .... but other than that, not a problem.... By the way, my nurvious doe had a litter of 8 and is doing great, but she still likes to hang out in the nest...
  12. SarniaTricia

    things looking better after a slow start this year

    I've done the final breeding for the summer months too..... It will be a good time to evaluate growouts .... clean and organize the barn and cull down to breeding stock for the fall. :D Can't wait to get a day were I have time to get the garden in and started!!
  13. SarniaTricia

    New almost free cages

    I think you scored one of those "deals" I keep hearing about! Good for you Chad
  14. SarniaTricia

    Could it be snuffles?

    Tea Time.... Do you have water bottles or open water crocks? I ask because my growouts often have legs like this because they can't seem to stay out of the water crocks!! I also get sneezing occasionally, but again, I see that a bunny has gotten dunked into the water by a sibling.... (I would...
  15. SarniaTricia

    Very Sad

    Stupid Pasturella! Someone needs to find a cure for this.
  16. SarniaTricia

    Nest Box Culling

    I wish my Magpie Harlequins could take on big litters... but, they can't handle the larger litters. My meat does have often taken on the extras from these does to raise, but I was at a point were I didn't have a meat doe to foster too. I am getting rid of my meat line and I have taken steps to...
  17. SarniaTricia

    (Old) English Spot Rabbits

    Welcome TeaTime! You have beautiful rabbits.... I always make a point of looking at the English Spots and Checkered Giants at the shows... Love them .
  18. SarniaTricia

    Our Menagerie

    Great group of critters!!
  19. SarniaTricia

    Show this weekend, what's the best way to get weight in Holl

    I sometimes bring rabbits that might be a bit small to get a judges feed back.... if they get DQ... I will ask the judge at the end to give me feedback or talk with other breeders to get feedback.... also, them being for sale will get them seen by the people most interested in buying>>> win...
  20. SarniaTricia

    Help! My rabbits have fleas

    The flaking might take a while to clear up after the parasite is gone.... I wouldn't worry... Ivermectin is very effective For those others out there.... I have been told to not treat bred, Breeding or nursing does.. is that true with the 1% topical too