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  1. M

    Found dead kit 4 days early...more to come?

    Missy has been standoffish and quiet and hadn't been eating her pellets for last couple of days, all normal for her pre-birthing, but today she was totally lethargic. Went out to feed and freshen all the waters and found her dead. As the sun was going down I thought I'd open her to to see if I...
  2. M

    Day 33

    My momma has built nests a couple of days before hair pulling, so give her some time.
  3. M

    Found dead kit 4 days early...more to come?

    On Friday I carefully moved mamma (w/o picking her up by hand/ using cage to cage transfer) into maternity cage. (This was later than desired due to prior litter still hanging our in there post-weaning for way too long.) This maternity cage is in my fenced garden. On Sunday I went out in early...
  4. M

    Has anyone tried feeding "water spinach?"

    Interesting, Cosima. Why did you need to cut it early? Is it something that can produce a lot of food in small area...and without too much effort?
  5. M

    Has anyone tried feeding "water spinach?"

    Been on a hunt for prolific natural feed and came across Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica). I understand in many states in the South it is illegal to grow due to invasiveness.., found this study Effect of increasing offer level of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) on intake, growth and...
  6. M

    Help~ I have a 4-week old escapee

    Just wanted to circle back... no negative effects, everyone doing great!
  7. M

    Help~ I have a 4-week old escapee

    Thanks I will. I think in the meantime I am going to run some temp. fencing around where the tractor us to contain any Houdinis that might try to wander.
  8. M

    Help~ I have a 4-week old escapee

    Help! My doe has a litter of 4 week olds. They were born in a tractor that has a tarp over part of it for dry/warmth. One got out from tractor and is hiding our in bushes that separate yard from woods (home to fox, coyote, coons, opossums and birds of prey.) I thought this new tractor was...
  9. M

    Natural Feed - will this work?

    Have you looked into sweet potato vines as feed? Some research says it has as much protein for buns as alfalfa... I'm trying to get some started myself. This youtuber grows it in a hotbed and here is a link to research Sweet potato vines in diets for growing rabbits on performance, carcass...
  10. M

    Natural Feed - will this work?

    Tons of issues w/ GMOs. SELECTIVE BREEDING for better tasting Brussel sprouts, drought resistance, etc. has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the GMOs we need to avoid. The problem w/ the GMOs is that they are modified by pesticide companies to allow them to live when more poison -- EXTRA POISON...
  11. M

    The New Safe Plants for Rabbits List

    I grew them years ago, but the area they got shaded out and overtaken... since we didn't care for the tubers, I let it go. Now that I am looking for rabbit forage to cut, must revisit these! Do you happen to know if it will branch if you cut it and send up more growth during the growing season?
  12. M


    Yes I do. Mom to Missy, my New Zealand x California doe (and her 7 kits and beau).
  13. M

    The New Safe Plants for Rabbits List

    I found some sources that said forsythia was safe. (Who knew, its in the olive family?) I tried some out last summer as it is taking over my yard and my buns preferred to eat it over raspberry canes! A definite win as I can harvest without gloves!
  14. M


    I am new to posting but have been reading for awhile.