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  1. K

    Domestic Pegions

    What do you mean? There are already domesticated types of both Pigeons and Doves.
  2. K

    For the Wool Rabbit Breeders

    Good information to know. I just found out there is a German breeder near me. I would like to get a couple of angoras to keep for fluff and get some meat breeds as well. But that's in the spring at the soonest.
  3. K

    For the Wool Rabbit Breeders

    I aspire to that level of patience. I MIGHT be able to spin that without driving myself crazy (I currently have a turkish spindle with a decent amount of pure silk thread on it right now) but the knitting or crocheting the shawl would drive me batty. I can knit socks but they have to be worsted...
  4. K

    For the Wool Rabbit Breeders

    I can't address any of the actual rabbit questions (yet) but for the spinning side I can help some. I strongly suggest watching videos by Jillian Eve (Evie) This video shows how to make a cheap spindle (if you don't want to buy) and shows her using it some...
  5. K

    Sources for untreated seed for sprouting

    If you want oats, tractor supply (and probably any feed store) should have whole oats in 50 lb bags. I just looked at my local tractor supply and 50 lbs is less than $22.
  6. K


    I believe the time between "sprout" and "fodder" is 7 days. So before 7 days the seed is considered sprouted and and nutritionally very similar to the seed, after 7 days it is considered fodder and is nutritionally similar to the mature plant. Also, sprouts do not typically require light where...
  7. K

    Urgent Advice Needed

    I wouldn't take my advice... But if I were closer and had a building prepared, I would be really really tempted.
  8. K

    Shed and cages-homemade vs store bought

    Skids are another way to say pallet. And it sounds like they were talking about a 3 sided shed with the sides also wrapped in plastic to cut the wind and leave the door side open but pointing away from the winter winds.
  9. K

    Cross Bred as Breeder?

    If any of the kits look good I would keep them. The only thing to consider (if you even care) is that the rex coat is a recessive, so all of your kits now should be normal coat, but if you cross a daughter back to your rex buck, roughly half of the litter should come out rex coated and half...
  10. K

    Hey from VA!

    Welcome! What part of Virginia? I'm in the Roanoke / Bedford area and don't currently have rabbits, but I'm gearing up to get some in the next year or 2.
  11. K

    Haven’t seen these happen

    I see what people are commenting on, but the way I'm reading it is that day 34 there was a stillborn, then re-bred day 35, day 36 there was another stillborn and then yesterday had 3 healthy kits from the re-breeding (so the stillborns were a month ago)
  12. K

    Not new, but returning!

    Yep, recessive genes are super sneaky... Have you seen the Reza project where they are trying to combine Rex and Satin together? Makes a super shiny rex fur texture, but, combining 2 recessives is kind of a pain to get them both to show at the same time.
  13. K

    Broken Ear cartilage? How to know? What to do?

    Honestly, unless you're going to show him, I would just leave it alone and let it do what it's going to do. I had a cat get a big hematoma in one of his ears and when the vets drained it, they intentionally stitched it in such a way that he essentially had a lop ear on that side so it wouldn't...
  14. K

    Not new, but returning!

    Over on this side of the country we just have black bears, so those aren't an issue either. They'll steal stuff off the porch and get in the trash, but that's about the extent of it.
  15. K

    Not new, but returning!

    Hawks always have such great looks on their faces when they are grabbed.
  16. K

    Not new, but returning!

    A minor suggestion: If you are going to use this primarily for getting posed pics for your own use and posting on here, maybe put a grid on that back wall. That would make it easier to see the shape of the rabbit and compare them. Rabbit A peaks at x squares high and is x squares wide but rabbit...
  17. K

    Muppet's first harvest (danger, gratuitous cuteness)

    I have a similar picture of a pile of cat hair on a table from brushing one of mine out last weekend. Need to get in there and finish him...
  18. K

    Breeding woes...

    Congrats on the new arrivals!
  19. K

    agouti and chinchilla and REW

    REW is like dumping a bucket of white paint over the rabbit. It could be just about any color under there and unless you know it's family genetics, you won't have a clue.