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  1. E

    Rabbit 911 ! Please help!

    Thank you very much everyone <3 Little Velveteen seems to be doing fine so I'm not so concerned anymore! You guys definitely helped a lot !!
  2. E

    Rabbit 911 ! Please help!

    Thank you so much everyone ! You've definitely calmed my nerves. I'm kind of a rabbit noob, and I've never seen my little Velveteen molt like this before ! It's always been so subtle.
  3. E

    Rabbit 911 ! Please help!

    Whenever he's molted in the past his fur has stayed the same length, he's just changed colour and lost a lot of fur. He's never been this.. naked ! I can't see his skin, but the fact that his fur is so short is really freaking me out!
  4. E

    Rabbit 911 ! Please help!

    Today I was playing with my Netherlands Dwarf Rabbit and he started losing a lot of fur. Not like normal molting, like full on looked like he got a buzz cut. I've never seen this happen to him for the two years he's been on this planet. I could use some advice or knowledge because I'm scared for...