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  1. Peach

    2nd Reserve in Show! *pics added*

    For sure! That would be awesome :D I probably won't make that show since we got shows every other week in GA Between Feb/March, but I'll keep it in mind! Although you might have fun at on of these GA shows! We will have some judges from the westcoast giving us a visit I believe the beginning...
  2. Peach

    Updated to Worse-Daisy's testicles swollen after neuter

    When they are bucks, they loose that "mate" with you vibe. So don't really expect him to hum and buzz around your feet anymore as he did before. It will take a few weeks for the testosterone to leave the system so it won't go all at once. Jack did loose part of his personalty after the...
  3. Peach

    Updated to Worse-Daisy's testicles swollen after neuter

    Jack hated me for a while after I got him fixed XD It will go away after a few weeks :) Lots of rest ( and treats every now and then to let Daisy know you didn't mean for this awful thing to happen) Good luck!
  4. Peach

    New Zealand buck of Quality?

    Yea don't worry much about him not having a "scruff" that's good if he has firm flesh! You want them to be muscle and minimal fatty tissue. I'd watch him for being "hippy", but let him develop for a few more months ;)
  5. Peach

    Shared Litter - Who Gets the Prefix

    Always figure it out before hand :) Usually I split regardless unless I own the buck and doe. Sometimes the breeder will say otherwise, but splitting is fair. Some breeders don't like splitting because some people will use the name of good breeders and sell the whole litter as show quality and...
  6. Peach

    Well this is embarrassing.....

    I think they are cute! I'm not as familiar with the breed,since I don't know anyone with them, but I've heard nothing but good things. I've heard they are great for kids. There sure were some pretty ones at convention!
  7. Peach

    2nd Reserve in Show! *pics added*

    Thanks guys! It was a really awesome experience and I'm sure my face was priceless when he called my Mini Lop. I looked around like deer in headlights until the realization hit me and everyone clapped. :lol:
  8. Peach

    2nd Reserve in Show! *pics added*

    GP Claudia GP Zoe GP Tex 2nd Reserve In Show! This is a picture of him at home,cooperating :) These were the major wins of the day. Tex was tired and ready to go home, so cooperation wasn't happening lol I'm thrilled that they have really come along. Did a few breeding while I was there...
  9. Peach

    2nd Reserve in Show! *pics added*

    Today we had an excellent day at TN show! We took BOV,BOSV,BOSB,BOB in both shows with 17 Mini lops in show A and 21 in show B 7 being my own. All with homebreds AND 2nd Reserve in Show! I'll add pictures later. Still driving home :-)
  10. Peach

    Mini Lop BJB For Sale GA (Attending Murfeesboro Show 12.7)

    Well since the original buyer decided to not show up for his appointment today, this boy is back up for sale. Broken Seal Junior Buck I'm already holding back 2 from the litter. Has a promising head,ear, & crown. Like his ears to be wider at the base. Nice type, but his siblings are a touch...
  11. Peach

    Hoping for some babies soon or I'm chucking them all.

    I've been having issues with misses, but no deaths. Well...I did have one proven,sucessful doe decide to have them outside the nesting box for no apparent reason. One doe paralyzed herself and started chewing into her hoohaa :/ (Put her down) Just some strange occurrences. I think I'm just...
  12. Peach

    Equine Thrush

    I rode at one place where they did a part water and part bleach solution. They never seemed to have a problem with thrush. I rode at a barn near a river that the pastures would be wet all the time and that was such a battle.( actually is it was located almost like a peninsula with the river on...
  13. Peach

    Abandoned Urban Chickens

    In our county, now you have to pay like $125-$150? to be CONSIDERED for zoning for chickens. They can reject you. They also require how big your property how far back I think they legally have to be kept. They prefer that you get a side list of neighbors that would like the chickens to be...
  14. Peach

    Anyone in NH want Unicorns? ;D

    :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
  15. Peach

    Heat lamps

    I've heard of people lighting their rabbitries and hutches on fire. Be careful!
  16. Peach

    Trasport Needed! Ga to Oregon

    Helping to find some transport for a youth of one of my rabbits over to Oregon. It is a little jr buck. Please let me know! :-) I will also be at the Lawrenceburg,TN show this upcoming weekend and could meet there aswell.
  17. Peach

    mini Rex bunnies Updated 2 week pics

    Aw lame my response didn't post. Adorable babies! I love Mini Rex babies! Don't worry about the Charlie. You can get false charlies in solid x broken breedings. It's a DQ if they have less than 10% color and no color in the whisker bed. It goes hand in hand with booted rabbits. Better culled...
  18. Peach

    Heat lamps

    I don't use them. I like to be able to trust that my does will build a nice nest. (You have to make sure they aren't too big) If they are having issues, I'd cull those out. Poor maternity skills and poor nesting building skills will really stink especially , if down the road,you have a barnful!
  19. Peach

    rabbit rant....

    They are probably working with a BEW parent or carrier, but none of the offspring are BEW. They are just marked/carriers. BEW is a difficult gene and you have to go about it carefully. I've seen people try to pass off vienna marked as broken blue (Vienna marked opal) before and it really peeved...
  20. Peach

    New Bunnies- Too young?????

    Mutt stock vs. Quality meat stock will ultimately give you different results. Sometimes spending a little extra money on properly bred animals is better than buying into a bunch of rabbits that just won't produce what you need. Here are ARBA requirements for different breeds/weights...