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  1. Homer

    Happy Birthday Zass!

    Hope it turns out to be a good one! :cheer1: :cheer2: :cheer1: :cheer2: :mbounce: :band: :band: :choir: :choir: :mrgreen: :cheesysmile:
  2. Homer

    Happy Birthday Oscar

    Hope it's a good one! :hbd: :hbd: :choir: :choir: :happybday2u: :happybday2u: :wbounce:
  3. Homer

    Is Small World and Manna Pro basically the same?

    Wally World has it for $8.98 for 25#. When mt local feed mill had issues with the supplement they used when making pellets I switch to it for a few months to keep my rabbits healthy. 50 pounds at my mill is $14.50 so not much difference. Had a pregnant doe at the time and the kits raised fine...
  4. Homer

    Poor buster.. my does dont like him lol

    Shoot I'd just post your results here. You already have some of us watching this thread. Personally I'd just apply the "rabbit jack" as I call it...or maybe he just needs a shower. :lol: j.k.
  5. Homer

    What would you have as a must for a bunny garden

    Cilantro is one I always have on hand for the buns. If you cut it with a knife just above the ground it keeps coming back too. I don't care for it but the rabbits love it.
  6. Homer

    Happy Birthday Sagebrush!!

    Hope it's a good one! :fireworks1: :cheer2: :cheer1: :cheer2: :cheer1: :rabbit-hop1: :rabbit-hop2: :rabbit-hop3: :hbd: :hbd: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: How's school going?
  7. Homer

    Happy Birthday, Homer!

    Thanks everybody! It was a good day full of sun, only 70 here today. :) Worked at the farm for about 8 hours, came home and worked on the yard, (getting ready to replant the grass) then tended the ducks, cat and of course the rabbits. :pinkbunny: I'm getting to old to have this much fun. :lol:
  8. Homer

    Happy Birthday Miss M!!!

    :tease: Didn't hurt! :laugh2: :boxed: :runhills:
  9. Homer

    Happy Birthday Miss M!!!

    Glad things are going well and you stopped in to say hi! I know what you mean about the bucks. My Giants just had a litter, 6 bucks and 1 doe. :shock: Oh well, maybe they'll do better next time.
  10. Homer

    Gold and Silver and "Preppers"

    Of course not, everyone knows it's grown in little pink packages! :shock: Let it come, just opened a can of green beans a couple nights ago that got missed I canned in 2015! Oh yeah, they came from our garden. If you want to see what the preppers are worried about do a search on Deutsche...
  11. Homer

    Show me your barns! :)

    Sorry I didn't get you pictures yesterday. Came down with the cold that's going around and knocked me right in the dirt. I'll try again today. Must clean hutches Must clean hutches ...
  12. Homer

    Happy Birthday Miss M!!!

    Hope all is well on the home front and you have a GREAT DAY! :rabbit-hop3: :rabbit-hop1: :rabbit-hop3: :rabbit-hop3: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :mbounce...
  13. Homer

    Happy Birthday houston

    Hope it was a great day with being a full time student and rabbit farmer! :hbd: :hbd: :choir: :choir: :happybday2u: :happybday2u: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny:
  14. Homer


    Whew! Almost missed this one. Hope you have/had a great day Little Fluffy Bunny! :cheer2: :cheer1: :cheer2: :cheer1: :cheer2: :cheer1: :cheer2: :cheer1: :bunnyhop: :bunnyhop: :lilbunny: :lilbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :mbounce: :hbd: :bouncy...
  15. Homer

    Show me your barns! :)

    Show you my WHAT!? :P Glad you're finally getting the place you two want! I'll take a picture or two tomorrow when I'm cleaning and post them for ya. ;)
  16. Homer

    Nymph's Popple Watch 2018

    Oh I understand needing bigger grow out hutches. Mine are 8' long and I only usually have seven it them. But then again, I deal with Flemish Giants and give away 50# of feed a week. :shock:
  17. Homer

    Nymph's Popple Watch 2018

    Good for you Nymph! Your feed bill just went up again. lol Hope you have grow out space for everybunny! :popcorn:
  18. Homer

    Has anyone had a pregnant cat before?

    :yeahthat: We like Shout detergent case boxes for a "nest". The kind you get at Wally World or Sams. The front and sides are cut lower and makes it easy for mom to get in and out yet keeps the babies in...but not for long. :)
  19. Homer

    Nymph's Popple Watch 2018

    Sorry you lost the little guys. Always seems harder when they're young like that. :encourage:
  20. Homer

    Nymph's Popple Watch 2018

    Supplemental feed them with hand feedings.