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  1. Homer

    Would you trust this buyer?

    Winterwolf, Contact PSFAngoras, She is big into French for harvesting the fur and spinning. She lives near me so you're not to far away and may be able to work out her taking all you have available. She and her hubby are in the process of buying a new...
  2. Homer

    Palpating, Day 31

    No. She had no nesting instincts at all. I was about to put her in with "one of the boys" when she had that litter. :shock: In 50 years of bunnies I've never had one kindle like that before. She was even eating right up to the day she had them. Usually I know a couple days ahead because they...
  3. Homer

    Palpating, Day 31

    The last doe that had a litter here was crazy. Gave her all the goods to make a nest but, nope, can't make me. :lol: She held out to the last minute, literally. She had stopped eating so I knew it was almost time. She built a nest (finally) jumped in and pulled fur and had 7 of them. All...
  4. Homer

    We finally have a name!

    I likey Nymph. 0 to 150 in 4.3 seconds
  5. Homer

    **Updated Hand Feeding Formula**

    Not knowing how whole goat milk stacks up but doubt it is as high in fat and protein here is Meyenberg Goat Milk label, (evaporated). When I worked on this I didn't lose any so it's either the milk or other issues you mentioned. Sorry I can't be more help. Mt grow rate was very good once I...
  6. Homer

    Help. Possibly retained kits?

    Hey, glad to see another Colorado person here at R/T! If you're in the S.E. part of the state come to Pueblo in June. The state show is here this year at the State Fair ground. June 2nd & 3rd. Several of us will have our Flemish Giants there...
  7. Homer

    Help. Possibly retained kits?

    Good for "Dutch Bunny". We've all made mistakes on what day we breed them. My hutches are home made wooden ones and I've got to where I write the breed date on the side of the hutch when I take her away from the buck. Seems to help this "old guy" syndrome. ;) As for the cleaner, all I use is...
  8. Homer

    Help. Possibly retained kits?

    Never heard of using the oil for that but know folks that grow it and hang bunches of it from string around their bunnies to repel flies. I don't think I'd use the oil in their hutches but maybe wipe the doorways, frames etc. on the outside. I'm lazy, I use good old sticky fly strips to get the...
  9. Homer

    Help. Possibly retained kits?

    Do a web search on "lavender for pregnant rabbits" and you'll find it basically causes them to have contractions. From: LAVENDER – Circulation problems, nervous stress, exhaustion, induces labor...
  10. Homer

    Happy Birthday, MamaSheepdog!

    Well well well, Look who's getting older! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MSD! :cheer1: :cheer2: :cheer1: :cheer2: :wbounce: :choir: :choir: :happybday2u: :happybday2u: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream...
  11. Homer

    hutch flooring

    Good idea. From the end view picture I thought it was running across the door fronts. :lol:
  12. Homer

    hutch flooring

    I can relate to that. Over the last year or two all of mine (stick built) have been converted to the entire front opening up. Nothing like trying to drag an 18 pound rabbit out a tiny door that doesn't want to come peacefully... I see a fence charger in the last pictures, how about a shot of...
  13. Homer

    Happy Birthday, Faiththequeen!

    No, you didn't. You always got your henchmen to do it. :P
  14. Homer

    Happy Birthday, Faiththequeen!

    Hope you had a GREAT day Faith! Got called away unexpectedly. Geez, Maggie's going to take the chair to me. :chase2:
  15. Homer

    Happy Birthday, Michaels4gardens!

    SORRY I missed the big day Michael :oops: Hope it was a great one! ... Been gone a few days on unexpected family bizz.
  16. Homer

    Garland kindled this morning

    :yeahthat: Of the few times I've bred a fantastic buck back to mom I've had some rabbits grow out that were not to be believed. You get the best of the best or...You're weeding out the genetic hodgepodge that gets in a line once in awhile and I've always had good luck with it. Son to mom has...
  17. Homer

    Hey fellow gardeners...

    Ours went in the end of October and is wintered over. I plant ours about 1-1/2 inches deep and does well in our cold months that deep. It's about 8 inches tall now and growing well. Harvest here is the last week in June-first week of July. Love our fresh and dehydrated garlic! :)
  18. Homer

    Hey fellow gardeners...

    Be sure and plant some radishes too GSD. Bunnies love the tops and I get more radishes than I can eat. They come up fast as will all of the things you have on your list. Basil is the only thing I start indoors. The rest I direct seed and they do great.
  19. Homer

    Happy Birthday Tea Time!

    Glad you liked your cake Tea Time. Took me all night to make it ya know. :lol: (or do a search for tea time birthday cakes.)
  20. Homer

    Happy Birthday Tea Time!

    Hope you have a good one! :cheer1: :cheer1: :cheer1: :cheer1: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :pinkbunny: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: :icecream: