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  1. Naelin

    I need advice from the elders... Waste months or get a buck ASAP?

    My two does are 100% unrelated to each other. One californian and one Fauve de Bourgogne from different breeders. They live in separate hutches, the buck lived in a pen with the growouts. I bred every three months. The young buck is the son of the Fauve de Bourgogne doe, I also have a little...
  2. Naelin

    I need advice from the elders... Waste months or get a buck ASAP?

    Hello! I started breeding meat rabbits 6 months ago, we are on our 3rd successful processed litter. Unfortunately, we lost our wonderful buck to pasteurella, and his potential replacement as well. We just finished the "summer break" for the does and we're left with one little buck that is 12...
  3. Naelin

    Fauve de Bourgogne

    Living in Argentina I have access to fewer breeds of meat rabbits than folk in the USA; Silver Fox, Champagne D'Argent, TAMUKs are unheard of here. Standard rex are hard to get a hold of. But there is one pretty common breed that seems to have never made it to the USA, the Fauve de Bourgogne...
  4. Naelin

    Growouts fighting at specific times, I can't find the cause

    That is very interesting, it could be the cause since it seems to happen when they just get released from the hutch... sadly having them out day and night would mean that the only male doesn't get scheduled time out of the hutch but it may be worth it until we process the rest of the culls
  5. Naelin

    Growouts fighting at specific times, I can't find the cause

    It has also almost happened twice before they were weaned so they were living in a different area. They went into a whirlwind chasing their mother, but didn't get to fight because they were distracted when we went to check what was happening. You can see a picture below. One of the females was...
  6. Naelin

    Growouts fighting at specific times, I can't find the cause

    We weaned 2 litters (10 kits total) at 8 weeks to a colony-style pen some weeks ago. Since then, there have been several instances of fighting, all involving running in circles chasing each other until eventually two would get in a death ball. We figured out two of the three males had been the...
  7. Naelin

    Crusty toes and hair loss

    Hello! I recently noticed that my 8-month-old Fauve de Bourgogne doe's back toes were a bit "too visible"; upon closer inspection, the skin is inflamed and crusty. It does not seem painful at all even when pressing them and the rest of the skin seems ok except for the back of the neck, where she...
  8. Naelin

    Doe squeaks when nursing

    Thank you both for your input! I checked her out today (it turns out she lets me touch all of her belly as long as I do it from one side at a time lol) and all of her mammary glands are nice, soft and definitely not sore enough for her to care when I pressed them a bit. The babies are doing...
  9. Naelin

    Doe squeaks when nursing

    One of my does is on her second litter with 4 kits that are 5 weeks old. A couple of weeks ago, every night when she feeds them (when we go sleep) she loudly squeals in a way that sounds like a clucking chicken. We were worried at first thinking it was the kits but noticed she was just feeding...
  10. Naelin

    My black kit is turning brown. Could you help me figure out his colour?

    Thank you so much for that in-depth response Alaska Satin! This was our plan... unfortunately yesterday he started with the white snot. It seems he wasn't immune, just had a stronger immune system, but we cannot risk getting our does infected so he will sadly be a cull. It was still a good...
  11. Naelin

    Is it worth the risk to keep this buck?

    Well... Ran got white boogers now :( Guess we're getting a new buck for next breeding season...
  12. Naelin

    My black kit is turning brown. Could you help me figure out his colour?

    My previous comment got kind of hidden because it fell on the mod queue, but I've been working a bit more on decoding the genes and I'm just stumped at the E locus, I fail to understand it. So far I've gotten this: Ton (Sire) Chocolate Orange? A b b C c(chl) D e e Saturno (Dam) Black...
  13. Naelin

    Is it worth the risk to keep this buck?

    Over the last month, I had a breakout of snuffles on the pen where I had my buck "Ton" and his 5 growouts. Everyone got infected except for one male kit. White snot, matted paws, the works. The 4 infected siblings got culled but I gave a chance to Ton as he had a mild case and got better quick...
  14. Naelin

    Mixing litters during free-roam

    Do your kits try to nurse from whichever doe is close or do they stick to their mothers? I tried releasing the doe with the smaller litter while the other kits were out (JUST fed) and a minute later she was panicking with a horde of furballs running behind her. I may need to wait until the next...
  15. Naelin

    Mixing litters during free-roam

    Hello! I currently have my two does in hutches in a small patio. Every day one gets out to free roam in the morning and night, and the other gets out in the afternoon. They now have 4 and 6 kits respectively and they are getting to the size where the hutches are a bit crowded (5 weeks old)...
  16. Naelin

    My black kit is turning brown. Could you help me figure out his colour?

    Thanks a lot. So if I'm doing the letters right that would give me: Sire: aa bb Cc(chl) D_ ee Dam: aa B_ c(h)_ D_ E_ Kit: aa Bb c(chl)_ D_ Ee Would this be correct? Both parents are purebreed from a reputable breeder, so would I be right to assume that the Cali dam is aaBB c(h)c(h) DD EE? I...
  17. Naelin

    My black kit is turning brown. Could you help me figure out his colour?

    Could the sable have been carried by the Cali dam instead? her coat is the whitest white on the body while the points used to be black in winter and are now a mix of grey and muddy brown with some black. I see some examples of seal point that look very similar to Himalayan
  18. Naelin

    My black kit is turning brown. Could you help me figure out his colour?

    This 3 month old buck that was completely black (with a grey undercoat and soles) is now turning a faint brown that is visible only under the correct light. The soles are brown as well. It seems the hairs are banded grey-black-brown. The dam is a Californian and the sire was a Fauve de Burgogne...
  19. Naelin

    Hello from Argentina!

    I am a 31yo city-dweller that started his rabbit journey about half a year ago with the goal of supplying a more ethically raised meat for my household and to learn a thing of two before trying to move to a more suburban area. At the moment I have some Fauve de Burgogne and a Californian, with...