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  1. HOWsMom

    Your task : Grow rabbit treats in a small area

    If you had only 1 medium sized rabbit, and you were allowed a single small area to plant in (a 3'x18" counter-height raised bed), what would you plant that could be used as treats for your rabbit ? We live in a townhouse, and the condo board has a full restriction on in-ground planting of...
  2. HOWsMom

    How does this look - is he posed properly?

    It's likely more Vug4H and I than the rabbit - we have no idea what we are doing.
  3. HOWsMom

    How does this look - is he posed properly?

    Does this look any better ?
  4. HOWsMom

    How does this look - is he posed properly?

    Thank you, MSD - we were working from an illustration that had no explanation or instruction with it. We will keep trying.
  5. HOWsMom

    How does this look - is he posed properly?

    Anyone in the know care to chime in ?
  6. HOWsMom

    Meet George

    Which one looks happier ?
  7. HOWsMom

    How does this look - is he posed properly?

    Did she pose him right?
  8. HOWsMom

    How much pellet should a young rabbit get ?

    Okay, thank you. We did opt to stay with what his breeder was feeding - at least for now. I also found some powdered yucca root to add in, but it's in capsules - so we have to open them up and sprinkle it on the pellets.
  9. HOWsMom

    How much pellet should a young rabbit get ?

    Bug4H is feeding George Purina Performance pellets, but we aren't sure how much he should be getting. The lady who sold him to her said she usually gives him "about a salmon-can full" - the rabbit isn't much bigger than a salmon can !! He's 10 weeks old yesterday, and current weight is 985...
  10. HOWsMom

    1 day in & seeing that the "condo" idea wasn't a good one

    Less than 1 day in & seeing that the "condo" idea wasn't a good one - just too hard to clean for Bug already, and the solid surface of the bottom (a shower curtain, in her case) is slick, and the pee just pools :( Moved George to a spare small animal cage I had (I think it's about 18x30") -...
  11. HOWsMom

    16 days and counting

    She got him tonight :D
  12. HOWsMom

    Meet George

    Now if she'll only go to sleep !
  13. HOWsMom

    Is Lilac safe for rabbits to eat (google isn't helping me !) ... Lilac-tree Someone on this forum says her bunny loves the leaves.
  14. HOWsMom

    16 days and counting

    4 more hours - and she's driving us all BATTY !
  15. HOWsMom

    Is Lilac safe for rabbits to eat (google isn't helping me !)

    I can't find any info one way or the other on whether or not lilac is safe for rabbits. We have a Lilac tree in the yard - just the general lilac you find all over the place here - Syringa Vulgaris - with the purple flowers in May. Leaves ? Branches ?
  16. HOWsMom

    DIY PVC Pipe Toys

    Where do you use the solid cap ?
  17. HOWsMom

    are garden leaves good for a bunny?

    Bug4H is a pretty decent little photographer ;)
  18. HOWsMom

    goat kids born this afternoon

    I may just swoon from all that cuteness !
  19. HOWsMom

    The Boxer strikes again.

    I have yet to meet a toy that stands up to my Pug/Beagle mix ! Even the ones that say they are for aggressive chewers - he destroys in an instant. The best have been his Kongs. The German Shepherd / Collie / Husky mutt - we can barely get her to even LOOK at a toy, let alone chew on one !
  20. HOWsMom

    10 Week old Harlequin English Lop 19.5" ears

    Is that 19" per ear, or tip to tip ?