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  1. C

    Should I be Concerned?

    Rebred the doe today. She took to it very willingly. We will see what happens again in 31 days. Thanks for all the help. Will keep everyone posted. -- Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:49 am -- Just thought I would give everyone a quick update on this doe. Last Tuesday night she has a healthy litter...
  2. C

    haystache ? answered

    Awesome! Congratulations
  3. C

    Can't get doe to breed.

    Yes I know they aren't pregnant because I have had them for over a month and a half.
  4. C

    Can't get doe to breed.

    I have another question from a newbie. I recently purchased a trio of broken red new zealands. Whenever I purchased them I also purchased their babies that were weaning age approximately six weeks old. So I know they are proven breeders and are capable of raising kits. I have been trying to...
  5. C

    Doe Breeding Ages

    Here is a whole thread right below this one that is discussing this. when-to-breed-a-doe-t24147.html
  6. C

    Should I be Concerned?

    Man this forum is just plum full of advice. Thanks for helping a newbie out. I will get her rebred asap, and hopefully the next go around will have a better outcome. At least I got one first time doe that is doing her job great. All four babies are plump, happy, and growing fast. Again...
  7. C

    Should I be Concerned?

    Well I woke up this morning to one dead babie. It was very large and long. I think it was probably a little to big for her to pass easily, so it was stuck for a little too long. She seems relaxed again so I don't think there are any more. So my next question is when should i rebreed her?
  8. C

    Should I be Concerned?

    Thanks for all the advice so far. So I should not be concerned that she is three days past due? I guess I need to be patient. I will will look into all the advice above! Thanks again!
  9. C

    Should I be Concerned?

    Hello all, I am new to the rabbit world, and have gotten some rabbits to start raising for meat. I have two Californians that I got from a breeder, and he was nice enough to breed them for me when I got them. They were both 31 days along on March 3, and one of them gave birth that evening to...