Just for fun - themed rabbit names

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Jan 1, 2025
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I'm going to start raising meat rabbits soon and I'll need to name the breeders. I enjoy Punny names, Themes, etc so I thought I'd make a post just for fun. What have you named your Rabbits?
my bunnies have warrior cat names (or at least it started that way). So their names now aren't warrior cat names persay but follow the same paradigm of two part names. So WhiskerHeart, HeartSong, SpiderWasp, etc.
I had a Doe several years ago named Firestar
Hadley named our first NZ rabbits Chocolate Chip, Blonde Brownie, Oreo Delight, Chocolatte, Chocolate Truffle..Blueberry, Piglet, ;then came Graham Cracker,Chai,Te.......Swiss Mocha, Frosty Delight, Ruby, Scarlett, Garnet, Cracked Pepper...( then litter of rex) Dragon,Dandelion,Sunflower, Gemini, Naughty Boy...and Cookie.
I had a theme going after the TV series 'Justified' but it fizzled out. My cane corso is Raylan (main US Marshall character) and still have Winona and Ava (breeder does). Besides a couple of one offs, I pick a lot of TV and Movie characters. Manny and Ellie for the two woolies (Ice Age reference), Moulder and Scully (X Files), I only have Audrey now that I sent Seymour to freezer camp for aggression (Little Shop of Horrors). If I keep what I think are two boys from a young litter I'm watching, I'm thinking Abbott and Costello!

Some names on my list to use are Ozzie & Harriet, Enola & Sherlock, Natasha & Boris, Jon & Arya, Klaus & Violet (I hold brother/sister combos for show purposes)...you definitely have the picture by now 😀.
I'm going to start raising meat rabbits soon and I'll need to name the breeders. I enjoy Punny names, Themes, etc so I thought I'd make a post just for fun. What have you named your Rabbits?
I'm not very creative when it comes to rabbit names. Mine are Bucky, Chewy, Bunny, Trixie and a couple that are not fit for publication. :devilish:
When we started with chickens, we wanted to remind our children that they were food so they didn't get attached. This started the naming theme: Tandoori, Sandwich, Strips, etc. when we got into rabbits, Soup, Stew, Hasenpfeffer, Sausage, meatball. We also have a line for fiber, Socks, mittens, scarf, lace, pompom, tassel.

We started putting the meat rabbits into movable cages (rabbit tractors), and named lawnmower, whippersnipper, Scythe
We always themed the litters growing up, usually after movies/TV shows or bands, but sometimes after other things. The ones I can remember were The Beatles, 1-direction, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Silence of the Lambs, toxic flowers, general horrors names, Washington state ferries, food, Native names, Voltron.... I'm sure many more, but those are the ones I can remember. Then the odd ball ones that we would name singular rabbits we obtained Koi, Floppy, Andre, Pedro.

Of course we can't forget the first Rex breeding trio we got that started it all.
Jefferson air plane (aka Jeffy, a white rabbit of course, and the only rabbit my dad ever named)
Opal (naturally an opal color)
Cinnamon (a castor actually, but we didn't know varieties yet lol)
I had a theme going after the TV series 'Justified' but it fizzled out. My cane corso is Raylan (main US Marshall character) and still have Winona and Ava (breeder does). Besides a couple of one offs, I pick a lot of TV and Movie characters. Manny and Ellie for the two woolies (Ice Age reference), Moulder and Scully (X Files), I only have Audrey now that I sent Seymour to freezer camp for aggression (Little Shop of Horrors). If I keep what I think are two boys from a young litter I'm watching, I'm thinking Abbott and Costello!

Some names on my list to use are Ozzie & Harriet, Enola & Sherlock, Natasha & Boris, Jon & Arya, Klaus & Violet (I hold brother/sister combos for show purposes)...you definitely have the picture by now 😀.

I love it!
Breeders names vary from shortend town bought in to whatever description for coat works. Now Badje, Cas(tor), velvet, sien, harli, arlo (oeps that came from a same ish cat colorwise), Ot, sokje (little sock in dutch).
I sometimes find nice names with meanings, so i keep a list for new options. At one point the idea was use the same letter as the doe, but that never started. Neither did the start at A and use the next for the next year or litter.
Freezer ones are all called "Flappie". after a christmas song where the boy finds his pet bunny back as christmas dinner. (and serves mom dad for boxingday dinner in revenge). As a single household that confusion or trickery doesn't apply, but the name is understood.
I'm using mainly Disney characters for mine. Current does Merida, Giselle and Isabella. Bucks Alibaba, Charlie and Mr Mister.
I don't want to get attached, so I use a formula. All rabbit names are physical descriptions and start with the letter of the year corresponding to the year they were born or joined our fluffle

Year 1 A (all rabbits were REW, so all names mean white)

Year 2 B
Bronwyn (REW, means white)
Bimbit (broken, man's painted)
Babak (Black, means black)

Year 3 C
Chimlin (lionhead, means cute)

Year 4 D
Dusty (old steel, dusty)
Daiki (sooty fawn, means fox)

This way I know the appropriate age of the rabbit without having to look them up too.
all of our animals are tv or movie character themed. Dogs, cats, rabbits, goats. The bunny kits don’t get named since the majority are sold or eaten but the breeders are:

Fiona (Burn Notice)
Gaia (some Anime, my son named her)
Terra (ditto above)
Bernadette (Big Bang Theory)

Mikey (Burn Notice)
Zach (New Girl - which I’ve never watched but when I got him I thought he was a doe and I was calling him New Girl; when I decided to keep him I named him Zooey because of that and when I finally realized he WASN’T a girl I picked a dude name from the show… that I’ve still never seen)
Winston (also from New Girl, I got the two at the same time)
Originally, each year had a theme so relative ages could be determined by their theme. There were the:
Spice buns - Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Pepper, etc.
Roman Buns - Alexander, Nero, etc.
Types of Light - Twinkle, Sparkle, Blinky, etc
Atmospheric conditions - Misty, Zephyr, Sunny

Then it started to get hard to remember which themes happened when. Now we're following Ablebreeze's conventions and going in alphabetical order. That has the nicety of getting the pedigree database in order, too.

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