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$78 in the red. Bun sale at 45. Three cages sale at 40.

Currently $7 in the green.


Moved some buns around, then removed 2 nests and replaced some small bowls with big ones.

Chick's kits-

Cruella's kits's-
Three REWs, rest different colors.
🙄 I gotta start watching the videos back. Phone missed the hind of the black doe and it looked good. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Needs better shoulders.
Brokens' hinds look worse. Buck is 2nd pictured, good shoulders. Last, doe, flat, but better hind than the buck and better shoulders than doe.
😵‍💫 Why can't they just be all in one rabbit!?

Moved in a 100gal trough for water, three 15gal isn't enough.
$7 in the green. 60 in bun sale.

Currently $67 in the green.

Got her rear pic. Shoulders look worse today. Lol. I think I'll keep her and hold onto the buck until I have another litter to compare to. Or is the broken doe better than the broken buck?
She's almost 8 pounds today! 12wks, 3 days. Biggest of the litter.

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Two Rex keepers.

one refused to pose, not all would stay still long enough. Some nice shapes. Need to find a very wide bun to add...
Pleasantly surprised by this cross. Mutts look real nice.
Top row mutt doe is the winner. Broken wouldn't relax.
Hmm, both may be okay, broken wouldn't stop leaning.
Seems right side doe is the winner this round.

The two stunted litters. Surprised by the rex furred blue, though.
Silver Fox litter. Most doing decently.

Mutt litter. Meat chart, some at the minimum. Rex chart, in between minimum and excellent.

If I can't feel kits for Royal, she's going.
I'm thinking Penny may also definitely go if no kits this time.
And still haven't gotten anything out of Muddy, so he'll go if he doesn't produce kits soon. But doesn't look like I have him bred to anyone right now. He's got good overall shape...
Opal needs to produce soon, too.
So, I may be down 4 rabbits in the next 2mo...Just 15 adults will feel so empty, heh.
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Redid their posing. Going to list the buck. Keep the 2 does, broken until Malty's 2nd litter and see if there's a better broken born.
Ugh. Yesterday, lost a big blue from Navy. Today, lost another big blue from Navy. Wtf. Weird the skinny runts didn't die, just the biggest! Rebred her.

Chick's kits

Cruella kits

Navy survivors, I think 6 left.

And berry was rebred when I noticed her kits failing. I expected hers to die off, not Navy. Since she gets a nest tomorrow, and is huge, I had to move her kits. But it's so dang cold, they had to go with another litter. Too young, too big, too dying(navy), so in with Jet they went. The broken is an ahole, sits at the feeder, dumping it all! Almost culled it when I saw it. Might do better with the more narrow jfeeders. If not, culling it. I hate feed dumpers with a passion!
Broken hasn't been emptying the feeder! Jet has approved of the new additions, begrudgingly. Lol
I keep coming across comments that moms won't accept new kits at X age or w/e, but mine have always been chill.
Culled a Chick kit who would not stop being a screamer.
Rest got to go out of the nest to explore, as its 47F today!

Cruella kits zooming on their own now & gobbling solids.

Berry kits
$67 in the green. About 5 bags of manure for the garden at 4 and bag, was it?

Currently $87 in the green.

Mixed them with grit and peatmoss. Filled 3 of the big plastic pots for my garden.

Have 5 yards of peatmoss compost on order. Waiting for snow to get lost before he'll deliver it!

Then I just need to get more grit and slowly bring up manure when it's available.

Will dump and mix last year's bags with fresh manure and the peatmoss, too.
I appreciate your meticulous account keeping, that's something so alien to me I can't even tell :D
All I do is look at my bank account statistics once a year to see what went out and what came in.

Collected a 50lbs bag of bunny berrys, that will go into 3 large pots for the sweet potatoes :).
Caught berry moving hay around. Today is day 30.

And I've been noticing weird pellets in the feed. Ugh....

How I set up nests for does. This one is for Gilt.

I'll add a towel, too, to make it a dark cave.
Berry × Vapor
Had her kits, day 31. Two were over in the circled spot. Widened the hole and moved them in. 54F today, seems I caught them early enough to still be warm and happy. Removed a bit of hay.

Now we wait on Gilt × Guilded & Mutty.
Berry had 11! Why 🤦🏽‍♀️ One small one. All currently fed. Gilt is on day 30. May foster some over.

$87 in the green. 4 in bags for garden.

Currently $107 in the green.

About 64 in hides is about to come in. Need to box them up tomorrow, for shipping next week, and then I'll know for sure how much. But all the older raw hides are finally sold! 15 salted, 20-25 frozen. Freezer will be empty for the bull meat!
There's 3 new hides and a couple kits. Rest were fed to dogs. Recent losses were fed to dog as well, I forgot to include them, so, will do that once the box label is printed tomorrow.
Gilt had 7!
Though, there may be more, since I accidentally interrupted her.
All are torts, so I was able to move the two smallest Berry kits w/o worrying about IDing them later.
ALL 11 of Berry kits had full bellies! Surprising, since the last litter was a disaster. Hoping nothing goes wrong this time! 🤞She's in the bigger maternity cage now, and has her old litter's nest as her bed.

Such cute tortellinis 😍
blue and black torts? Hoping they grow better than her first litter!

And the two tiniest from Berry, fed and ready to move. They're smaller than Gilt's kits, but hopefully, with fewer to compete with, they'll be able to grow just fine. 🤞

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