What supplies do you think are essential for a well-stocked rabbit first aid kit? I know here emergencies usually occur in the off-hours, when you can't rush to a store a purchase supplies. So what do you keep on hand to deal with emergencies?
In my stash I have small sharp scissors, scalpel, nail clippers, syringes from 1mL to 5mL, digital thermometer, mineral oil, Benebac, Critical Care for herbivores powder, Nutri-drops for Rabbits, neomycin oral, Corid, Safeguard, ivermectin. In the freezer I keep frozen goat colostrum, and frozen goat milk and/or powdered Esbilac goat milk puppy milk replacer.What supplies do you think are essential for a well-stocked rabbit first aid kit? I know here emergencies usually occur in the off-hours, when you can't rush to a store a purchase supplies. So what do you keep on hand to deal with emergencies?
Just used this last night, thanks so much for the suggestion.Simethicone (Baby gas drops
I've gotten polysporin eye drops off the shelf before. For a while it was behind the counter but not requiring a prescription. Now it's back on the shelves.Simethicone (Baby gas drops), Meloxicam(painkiller), feeding syringe and stuff to feed like Critical Care.
A stash of dried apple leafs, nettles, and other yummy stuff if there's a bout of appetite loss.
And antibiotic eye drops, but I can't get those legally without prescription.