Colony Soap Opera - Ongoing Drama

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2011
Reaction score
Leslie, Michigan
I love my colony, but they are truly a drama-filled bunch, and I'm going to maintain this thread as a documentation of their shenanigans.

For example, last month, there was infanticide, maternal death, alleged murder, and babynapping. The offender of the most egregious crimes was apprehended and placed in solitary, and her children were removed by the authorities and placed in foster homes with better mannered influences. She has since been relocated to a facility for rehabilitation (a friend's rabbitry where she can live alone, as she seems to prefer).

Things have calmed down a bit since her removal. Some new hotties have joined the household.

Main characters include:

Forest, typically going by his street name Big Dad Rabbit, is taking a break from the ladies in exchange for single dad life in the aftermath of last month's spike in criminal activity.

Morgan, the personality hire who makes escaping the colony and tearing into bales of pine shavings her top priority, and reproduction her lowest priority

Connie the C*nty Conti, a newcomer who clearly has done something offensive to the house since she's not allowed to sit with them at lunch.

Dot, always first to make friends with the new arrivals

And sweet Marshmallow, another fresh face who isn't sure how she got here, and no one seems to have noticed that she showed up out of the blue one day. They might just think she's Dot.
On this morning's episode of ColoDrama, it has come to the attention of the authorities that Reggie, a chestnut doe of questionable origin but highly upstanding character in the community, has quit feeding her children.

Dot swears that Reggie would never do such a thing, but the evidence doesn't lie. It was also discovered when Reggie's children were removed and placed into a foster home that the foster mothers are also not doing a great job either and needed assistance from Habitat for Hoppers in homebuilding. (no one pulled fur and their nests suck)

A hearing is scheduled for this evening to discuss options for the three first-time, unfit mothers. Will the courts have mercy on the teen parents and give them a second chance? Or will they be sent to rehabilitation?


Outside of the home, Forest discovers his reverse button while trying to flirt with Thrianta does far above his station. Best of luck, old fellow.
