New Popples!

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Well-known member
Jun 19, 2014
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I bred my California Doe (not exactly sure of her age as the person I got her from didn't tell me and would no longer respond to emails once I had picked her up) to my Flemish/NZ Buck on 7/7/14. Well on 8/9/14, she had 2 bunnies!!!!! Yes...Only 2! They are big (at least appear that way to me) and their bellies were nice and plump this morning as if she had just fed them! I am concerned that she only had 2. This is a new adventure for us, and I know that the lady we got the doe from said she had been bred before 3 times all with "issues" and 6-9 kits/litter (she said the issues she had was during the second litter and said she “ate” one of the babies and the next litter she gave her bacon and had no issues). This was the second breeding for the buck, both times to her and the first time didn't take. Should I be worried that she only had 2, or chalk it up to the fact that it was the first try for her in my care? I plan to rebreed her soon, but how soon is too soon? Any help is appreciated!

And now, the long anticipated pictures!!! These pictures were taken in the evening and she fed near dusk.
Both "parts" look like this, can anyone help me with the possible sexing?

NZWxFlemish Giant Buck

California Doe


Dawwwwwwwww there so cute! I love popples :)

I can't wait til I bree my Mini Rex's again :) I hope I get big litters like last time.

I just had to give one of my 8 week olds to a friend to put him down because he broke his leg on somthing yesterday and I didnt want him to be in pain :cry:

I love having baby bunnies, watching them grow :')
Congrats on your first litter :D When you want to breed her again is up to you. I normally wait until 4-6 weeks after kindling, but some breed back right away and some wait 8 weeks or longer. It depends on when you want to wean the kits and on the condition of the doe.
If you want to try for a larger litter, take her to the buck, make sure he falls over 2-3 times, then bring her back ~ 8 hours later for a repeat performance.
Well....I thought I would give an update! The popples will be 3 weeks old on Saturday, and they are beautiful! They are munching on hay and pellets and still nursing off the momma bun. I have re-bred her and she appears to holding her condition well. I also bred my Broken NZ(red?) doe so I should have popples from both of them about 12 days apart in September! Here are some updated pics....
