Weird Poop added to the mix

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Desert Rose Rabbits

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2013
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Noticed this in Red's cage today. He's in quarantine (note the nasty type of grate he's on) already as I believe he's the source of my pasteurella outbreak (which has now affected my original herd sire, one doe that aside from sneezing on occassion is doing great, and I have two sneezy kits). Anyways, I wasn't able to take care of the rabbits yesterday so I checked with my husband and he didn't notice anything strange yesterday but also said he didn't really look... just went out fed and checked water bottles.

Red seems to be acting normal. He's been molting pretty heavily, but aside from that he's not blowing snot anymore and hasn't except for the one time I saw him do it several weeks ago. He's eating and drinking normally, at the moment. The poop had a different smell to it. Reminded me of Carnivore poop in both smell, appearance, and consistency.

So today, we have the weird poop, my doe who was due on the 17th still hasn't kindled or shown any interest in making a nest and apparently didn't eat ANY of her food that my husband gave her yesterday... her bowl is uneaten and untouched (she usually plays with her food bowl at the end of the night so she's completely off her feed. I was giving her some time, but was thinking she just missed, but now I'm wondering about retained kits. Lastly, I'm missing a kit. I am CONVINCED that Mama had 10 kits with one DOA leaving 9, but today's count revealed 8. I have no idea what's going on.

Anyways, any thoughts on this poop? Any thoughts on anything else? lol

All of my ND rabbits are pooping those same poops. They are like 4 times the regular poop size and long, not round. They look like mini dog poops. and smell just as bad. None of my rabbits are sick in any other way that i can tell. All are eating and drinking fine. This started last week for me. Wish I knew what was doing this as well.
I notice when I give mine a lot of treats like watermelon rinds or apples their poop looks "odd" , very similar to what's in your images.

Other than that , I haven't a clue.
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":wj0xtuet said:
poops like that , means to rich in something that you are giving them.. WHAt are you feeding beside pellets and hay

No pellets. All of the rabbits have been completely converted over to a grain,mix for the last month. The standard diet, here, for non working/growing animals is grain mix, a couple alfalfa cubes, grass hay if they want it and greens if I have them. For the last week I've omitted the cubes from his diet and have upped his grain to help with the hair I assume he's ingesting due to his molt. I've been noticing some poops stuck together with hair and thought the grain would help since he's the only one who hates hay, but loves the hulls of the grains I feed. Nothing else in his diet has changed.
Huh... wonder why he would suddenly start having issues with it (and be the only one with problems). Go figure with my herd. Wonder if it's the crimped barley. I've noticed when I feed that it seems to settle towards the top of my bucket. I'm in the habit of stirring it as I feed so everything is well mixed, and I'm wondering if hubby wasn't doing that so he got a healthy dose of just the barley. Didn't even think to tell him. Gonna really irk me if everyone else does fine, but I have to keep Red on pellets.