Recent content by NZ:Julia

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  1. NZ:Julia

    Rabbitary Wipe Out

    Just to let you know that Jeremy is doing okay. Thought I would share a snap.
  2. NZ:Julia

    Rabbitary Wipe Out

  3. NZ:Julia

    Rabbitary Wipe Out

    This is really interesting @Bekah-n-Tennessee, I am sorry you have also had this experience. I have been thinking about bio-security since this happened. I can now see there are lots of things I can do differently. The trouble is I have no idea how the virus got in, netting sounds like a good...
  4. NZ:Julia

    Rabbitary Wipe Out

    Junk Waffle sounds like something I need in my life. :p In the 80's I was reading Warrior Comics and discovering Alan Moore. Then came Tank Girl. 🦘 In the deep corners of my mind, I am Tank Girl hanging out with mutant kangaroos and fighting Big Power and Water in a post-apocalyptic world.
  5. NZ:Julia

    Rabbitary Wipe Out

    It is a beautiful thing to be in your company. I am so grateful to have found you and welcome all your words into my head. I never expected to find a like-minded community, yet here we are, super smart, and fighting like mad for sovereignty. Though this experience has been awful, I have been...
  6. NZ:Julia

    Rabbitary Wipe Out

    Thank you so much for your wonderful replies. I am one of life's percolators so it will take me a while to pull myself together and decide what I am going to do. I am very much in alignment with @Alaska Satin re not vaccinating and the development of rabbit strains that have some immunity. It...
  7. NZ:Julia

    Rabbitary Wipe Out

    Traumatic thread alert. I now only have my buck left from my original breeding trio. RHDV2 hit my colony. I was in a state of total rabbit joy. I had decided to keep a bonded pair of boys, two lovely girls and of course my original breeding trio. My first rabbit breeding year had been...
  8. NZ:Julia

    Hi, I am Julia from the UK, I am happy to have found Rabbit Talk.

    Hi @Sisi, Wiltshire is a beautiful county. I visit sometimes because the company I work for has a head office near to the White Horse. Your wee bunnies look beautiful. Yes, I love this website too. The moderators have been incredibly helpful and there is a wealth of information to explore...
  9. NZ:Julia

    Hi, I am Julia from the UK, I am happy to have found Rabbit Talk.

    I keep meaning to post some photos but my set-up keeps growing and growing. I have gone from one tunnel for my breeding does and now have another 2 "flop houses" one for bucks and one does who are being raised as a colony that can see each other but are separated by wire in the middle. Me and...
  10. NZ:Julia

    Hi, I am Julia from the UK, I am happy to have found Rabbit Talk.

    I think this is wild ... my litter of 16 NZ kits are reaching 100 days. 14 are girls. I am wondering what your girl-to-boy ratios are. Do you think this is a one-in-a-million or pretty normal? They were bred on the February full moon.
  11. NZ:Julia

    New Member

    Hi @Mckatie, it's great to find you here. I love my NZs.
  12. NZ:Julia

    Hello from Kansas City

    When I get my act together ... ha ha ... I would like to try my hand at felting with my NZ fur. I used to make felted hats. Silly question but how do you collect enough fur? I am imagining you with a ladyshave in your hand.
  13. NZ:Julia

    PSA: kits are not dead until warm and dead.

    Just found this on the Brinsea site on wildlife rehabilitation: They mention success with bunnies.
  14. NZ:Julia

    PSA: kits are not dead until warm and dead.

    It's a long time since I raised chicks. My incubator is very old but I still have it somewhere. I think the temperature control is pre-set to around 100°F. It has a fan and you control the humidity by adding water. I was happy to leave new chicks in there for up to 48 hours.
  15. NZ:Julia

    PSA: kits are not dead until warm and dead.

    I am wondering if a chicken egg incubator might work. When I was trying to revive (sadly without success) a cold wee thing I realised the importance of providing a stable temperature. Has anyone tried this method? I hope your 3 are making good progress @eco2pia