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  1. maisaksson

    Hanging cages from a very long shelf- but how to build the shelf?

    That's a deep shelf. I'd work out hanging the supports from the rafters. Or you could use the brackets or unistrut for the back, spaced so your cages fit between, and build a front support. For my setup I hung 2 rebars lengthwise by chains attached to the rafters and and placed the cages on...
  2. maisaksson

    Rabbit post spayed enteritris mucoid?

    Fresh parsley is my first solution when a bunny goes off feed, either by wool block or something undefined. That and fresh dandelion are eagerly accepted and seem to get their guts going again.
  3. maisaksson

    Best growout hutch?

    My cages are all wire cubes designed to be placed on a structure. This allows for 1. flexibility of placement (some cages are square, some rectangular, some smaller some larger) and mostly 2. for the complete cleanout. I can take the cage down, put it in the yard away from the rabbitry, and...
  4. maisaksson

    Best growout hutch?

    what do you do with the box?
  5. maisaksson

    Animal For Sale Culling hard is hard; bunnies seeking employment

    That's how we got into Americans, for meat and to preserve the breed. I did show some, enjoyed it a lot until I lost a beautiful white doe who'd won three legs to e. cuniculi contracted from a show. My first American Blue buck came from California, in the American Drift of 2010. He was bred by...
  6. maisaksson

    Dang. ****. *******.

    So sad. Those smart high character ones are unforgetable.
  7. maisaksson

    Animal For Sale Culling hard is hard; bunnies seeking employment

    Southwest Missouri Do you show your Americans?
  8. maisaksson

    Animal For Sale Culling hard is hard; bunnies seeking employment

    I raise American Blues and Whites. I just culled four bucks from the buck run. They were so strong and healthy, and a few of them were beauties. Now on to the does. Some of these American Blues are show quality but I really have to pare down. Anybody interested in American Blues, 6 months old...
  9. maisaksson

    Making your own healthy feed

    It's a grass afterall. We got some from a man in Missouri who manages many kinds of bamboo on a fairly small property and the key word is 'manage'. He mows or brush-hogs lanes between the cultivars and it keeps them contained. This is true. There is a novelty plant sold in Asian stores called...
  10. maisaksson

    Hi all! What have you been doing lately?

    It's a machine that's programmed to handle the whole process. The brand is Harvest Right. It's pretty noisy for our kitchen, we have it in a separate building.
  11. maisaksson

    Hi all! What have you been doing lately?

    I've been cooking up the rabbits in the freezer to make way for Fall culls. Trying out recipes for dinner and freeze drying the leftovers. Love that freeze dryer!
  12. maisaksson

    Making your own healthy feed

    Does anybody feed banana leaves?
  13. maisaksson

    Making your own healthy feed

    We call this Jerusalem Artichoke here in the US and YES it's so easy to grow and the rabbits love it. Also sunflower leaves, another big easy plant.
  14. maisaksson

    Chicken recipe that works great with rabbit meat

    I made this with cut up rabbit a la buttermeats in the crockpot and it turned out great. I didn't have any sherry wine so I used half/half sherry vinegar/water. I also didn't have any paprika or Tabasco so I left them both out out and subbed cayenne. Imperial Chicken 2 broilers halved/pieces...
  15. maisaksson

    Making your own healthy feed

    What about bamboo? Siberian Pea Shrub? Leucana (tree alfalfa)?