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  1. Julie Stade

    Stiff fur on a Rex

    That absolutely looks like Rex fur which has been consistently peed on. Is there a way to block him from sitting under the hutches? Give him an alternative shelter right next to them? Even if you did bathe him, it wouldn't really remove the staining/damage, just the currently crusty pee.
  2. Julie Stade

    Just a neat thing I found out

    We consider anything between 8-10 teats normal in our Rex, and because they can have large litters, having fewer than 8 teats is a possible culling criteria here for a doe. (But I also think I read somewhere that small rabbit breeds may have fewer typically.) And yes, it is a genetic trait. It's...
  3. Julie Stade

    Chinchilla Rex at last!!

    I know I saw a number of Chocolates get DQed in Youth at the Rex National this year for their eye color being off, and the judge suggested at one point that they might be genetic self-chocolate Chins. So I'm still trying to figure out all the phenotypes an expressed cchd can mimic on...
  4. Julie Stade

    Chinchilla Rex at last!!

    It's hard to say from just one shot/angle, but that's sort of how our fake seals start out. If both parents carry the self recessive (a) and black (B), then it's certainly possible that you ended up with the cchd from dad and a c from mom to let it express itself as self-black chin on a Rex coat.
  5. Julie Stade

    Q: Cage Size for Doe w/Kits

    We don't wean our Rex until 8 weeks, and most of our inside doe cages are only 36" wide and 24" deep (18" tall). And one of the most recent litters we weaned was one of 10. Of course, with our triple-digit heat and high humidity here, we also don't have litters born in the summer either (unless...
  6. Julie Stade

    Tri questions...

    I detail the colors as exactly as possible on the pedigrees because I, personally, want to receive pedigrees with as much genetic info as is known. If I buy a Rex with a parent simply listed as Chinchilla, I'm going assume that was a black chin as it's the only showable variety. I'd be pretty...
  7. Julie Stade

    Self Chin or ?

    This is the self-black chin buck that we bought as "seal," and his litter sister that we bought at the same time is similar in color. Since we only have the one test breeding so far (the doe to a tan pattern-carrying REW buck), my best guess from the results of whites, "seals," and a seal marten...
  8. Julie Stade

    Self Chin or ?

    One clarification is that while a genetic self-black Chin looks like a black rabbit phenotype-wise in normal-furred breeds, on Rex fur it will make them look like a Seal. We bought a pair of "Seal" littermates last year from a breeder who was retiring from showing in IA, and their 3-generation...
  9. Julie Stade

    Kit stuck- emergency in progress.

    There is a SC breeder listed on the National Rex Club directory:
  10. Julie Stade

    Chinchilla Rex at last!!

    My husband fell in love with the Chinchilla coloring on a Rex coat this weekend at the Mini Rex National, so now he's determined to pull black Chinchilla (the only Chin we can show in Rex) from our herd. LOL As if we don't already have a whole slew of varieties to work on. I do have two fake...
  11. Julie Stade

    We lost our whole litter

    Every one of our rabbit areas has a contractor's radio playing 24/7 both to desensitize the rabbits to noise but also to help deter against predators approaching. We generally keep them tuned to a country station as the music is more calming than say hard rock.
  12. Julie Stade

    Pedigree Regulations

    Since three generations of weights are required by ARBA for registration, I'd be really annoyed if I bought a "pedigreed" rabbit only to find that it was missing the necessary data to qualify (especially in a commercial/meat breed like I have).
  13. Julie Stade

    12 Day Old Kits REFUSE to STAY in Nest Box.. 😬

    The first time I see a kit pop out, I put one of the wood step sets in that my husband made for me. There are two screws which protrude slightly on the bottom, so they don't slide around on the wire. They work super well for us.
  14. Julie Stade

    What would you call these odd colors?

    And then you have the added complication here of how the Rex coat alters color phenotype (like turning Chestnut into Castor). I have two phenotypically Seal rabbits which were a complete surprise for the breeder who produced them (pedigree is all Black and White), and I highly suspect they're...
  15. Julie Stade

    Sad About City Code

    That's because you're hearing from the Americans (generally urban/suburban) who have an issue, not from the rest of us who aren't bothered by pesky zoning laws. I'm "free" to have 50 or 500 rabbits here, my choice (although that makes me tired just thinking about caring for that many), and no...