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  1. C


    Rabbit liver pate would probably be Excellent
  2. C


    My dogs love to clean up the offal after rabbit or chicken harvest. I just feed it raw as they easily digest raw bones but cooked bones can cause doggy problems
  3. C

    Tail biting

    Excellent advice here. Thank you all :)
  4. C

    Tail biting

    All of my adult rabbits are private cages, but I bought funny Thanks to everyone for suggestions. All my adult rabbits are caged separately but Miss funny tail came from a breeder whose premises could very easily harbor fleas or lice. How can I treat rabbit for external parasites. And on a...
  5. C

    Tail biting

    One of my does looks like she has a poodle tail. About .5 inch of he tail is bare of hair and iritated, still has a small poof of hair on the end of her tail. Anyideas what might be going on?
  6. C

    Smoke rabbit recipe please

    I need to cull a doe that is about 18 months old, had 2 litters. Any recipe suggestions for moist slow cook that will tenderize, with seasoning to either compliment or mask any off flavors that an older rabbit might have?
  7. C

    Problem with Kit Size

    I'm still new to this. My does are Silver Fox x New Zealand. The tan one neglected her 1st litter to death but seems to be doing great with 2nd litter. My black doe lost her 1st litter because I wasn't ready, but all 7 were large. Her 2nd litter was only 3, all born dead but very large...
  8. C

    New Rabbit... Name?

    Years ago in summer camp one of our counselors preferred to be called by his initials - RC. He only drank RC. Curiouser and curiouser :)
  9. C

    Timothy and clover mix hay

    After being exposed to orchard grass for a few days mine are getting to like it. They all like to nest in it and root around just for fun I think
  10. C

    Timothy and clover mix hay

    I bought some orchard grass hay. Any reason that would cause them problems?
  11. C

    Hay - Where to Buy It?

    I have been feeding timothy hay from tractor supply. That was expensive so I bought locally baled orchard grass. 1 doe attacked it, none ate with gusto. Should they get used to it over time?
  12. C

    1st time deboning

    Kind of a related question, do you have a good recipe for larger rabbits close to 1 year old?
  13. C

    The New Safe Plants for Rabbits List

    Don't write the book till the snakes have quiled! I suspect that's old English of coiled, or it may just be KY hillbilly:)
  14. C

    Side Entry Nest Box

    Thank you so much! You put shelves inside the birting box as kits grow? Those are much larger than I thought necessary, but I'd like to give them all more space anyway, joining cages and adding new ones. I'm wondering now if I lost my 1st litter because kindling box was too small for momma.