Recent content by Bekah-n-Tennessee

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  1. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Need advice on cleaning sick bunny

    I have to agree with @RabbitsOfTheCreek, if he were mine, I'd put him down. I'm a firm believer of quality of life over quantity of life, even for myself and although heartbreaking, his quality of life is poor at this point. Being prey animals, rabbits are also extremely adept at hiding their...
  2. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Hi 👋 fellow rabbity friends

    Welcome! This is a great forum with many experienced and kind people to help!
  3. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    The Weekly Quiz! (Posted Every Wednesday).

    Doe should always be brought to the bucks enclosure.
  4. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Most Humane Way to Dispatch?

    Oh, and on the idea of tree loppers/clippers...nope, don't. I tried that AFTER rabbits were already dispatched just to remove the head and it didn't even work well for that, it would be horribly inhumane to try in my opinion.
  5. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Most Humane Way to Dispatch?

    The first pellet we tried was a .177 and it still worked, just make sure the fps is decent and test on a can to verify penetration. I can't speak in whether a BB gun would work or not. Straight down behind ears...not sure, I think you'd miss most of the brain matter. Now Straight down forward...
  6. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Most Humane Way to Dispatch?

    .22 pellet handgun for me. I started with the hopper popper (cervical dislocation) and although good, I felt it took me too much time to get the rabbits properly placed and it was sometimes a struggle which is, of course, stressful for the rabbits and for me. We switch to the pellet gun and the...
  7. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Just for fun - themed rabbit names

    I had a theme going after the TV series 'Justified' but it fizzled out. My cane corso is Raylan (main US Marshall character) and still have Winona and Ava (breeder does). Besides a couple of one offs, I pick a lot of TV and Movie characters. Manny and Ellie for the two woolies (Ice Age...
  8. Bekah-n-Tennessee


    Welcome! This forum has a wealth of knowledge with great people who have been an immense help for me. Enjoy the new journey!
  9. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Best growout hutch?

    My better half built me two of Teal Stone's growout hutches and I do have the shelves in them. So far I haven't run into any significant issues and have been happy with them but full disclosure, i haven't used them often as I prefer to keep my growouts in my small barn in my stackers IF I have...
  10. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Barn setup - Which type of plastic to protect walls?

    We found discounted paneling at Lowes (warped due to water damage) and used that and although I do wipe it down periodically, I do expect to need to replace it within a couple of years. I really like what Alaska Satin did, I'll keep that in mind for a future upgrade.
  11. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Breeding a Holland Lop and NZ

    I'm in agreement with everyone else who has replied so far. She doesn't need to be bred at 5 months old or even ever if she is a pet. My question is why do you want to breed her? Would these be terminal crosses destined for freezer camp? Are you thinking of pet sales? Ethical breeding practices...
  12. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Has anyone tried these cages?

    I need to hit the lotto for a bigger building, septic/water and cages like those...😭
  13. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Hello from North Idaho

    You've definitely done your homework and sounds like you're off to a great start! I definitely agree with going with the KW cages versus building yourself initially. I have Bass Equipment cages (equivalent in quality/price to KW) and am very happy with them. Make sure you get the GAV...
  14. Bekah-n-Tennessee

    Animal For Sale Culling hard is hard; bunnies seeking employment

    Oh man, so tempting! I raise Silver Foxes but if I ever brought a second breed in, it'd be Americans. 😭