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    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Journey into quail with Like Like.
      That is good to read. That's my hope for us. I'm tired of raising a ton of chickens. Take a long time to get to processing time. I'd...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac replied to the thread Journey into quail.
      I believe that's a great idea and, the reason I was keeping mine after getting rabbits. I decided that the quail could make up a good...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to TKT's post in the thread Journey into quail with Like Like.
      I have 40. Originally they were all for meat and eggs, now they are just for eggs since I have the rabbits for meat. I cull out any...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac replied to the thread Journey into quail.
      That used to be my assumption as well. I breed for meat and eggs to eat are a happy bonus. I hatch several batches a year and only hold...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to ohiogoatgirl's post in the thread Journey into quail with Like Like.
      I'm going to disagree with the inbreeding bit. Kind of. I think alot of people aren't culling hard enough and using anything that can...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to Sagebrush's post in the thread Journey into quail with Like Like.
      @therabbitlady It is perfectly fine with me! Do share away as we all learn from each other and I am hoping that this thread will help...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac replied to the thread Journey into quail.
      I was getting concerned with lowering hatch rates, chick fatality and foot deformities. I went out and got some fresh roos and BLAM! We...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to therabbitlady's post in the thread Journey into quail with Like Like.
      I just read through all of this! We ordered 120 Cosmos coturnix hatching eggs from MyShire Farm. They should be here by Monday at the...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to Sagebrush's post in the thread Journey into quail with Love Love.
      @R Buns Hey that is amazing! I am now getting 30 eggs a day as my last hatch has started laying over the last couple days. I am waiting...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to Secuono's post in the thread Not new, but returning! with Like Like.
      Wrote out all of my home growns, faster than digging up pedigrees. Just want to see who is related to whom real quick.
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to Secuono's post in the thread Not new, but returning! with Like Like.
      Looks more tidy. Hung the rest of the feeders in that 8hole stacker, all bucks are in the last 8hole. Dividers removed. Another 2×4ft...
    • TamiPac
      Many vets are very expensive to take animals like rabbits and guinea pigs even just for putting an animal down and it's a good skill to...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Journey into quail with Like Like.
      Pretty excited to share. Hope it's ok to share on this thread. I won a hatching time gift certificate a while back but everything there...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to Skai's post in the thread Making your own healthy feed with Like Like.
      I wish I could remember the source but I read a study where rabbits were fed mainly sweet potato vines and a very small amount of...
    • TamiPac
      Hi! Sorry I'm late with a reply. It depends on how big the rabbits are, I can usually do two four month olds in the large instant pot...
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