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    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Incubating eggs with Love Love.
      @TamiPac I've been adding a little backstrap to their water. Between that and the supplement the one left with wryneck is making a...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Incubating eggs with Love Love.
      That's awesome. I have this on hand for baking and the dairy cows post calving. That's very easy to do. Thanks for that tip! I've not...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac replied to the thread Incubating eggs.
      So cute! I don't know how others do it but for the first week I add a drizzle of black strap molasses to the water and from day one to...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Incubating eggs with Love Love.
      We lost one a few days in. Didn't finish absorbing the eggs so assuming it wasn't right from the start. Lost one today that I've been...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac replied to the thread Incubating eggs.
      They're adorable! Their feet look fantastic!
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Incubating eggs with Love Love.
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Incubating eggs with Love Love.
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac replied to the thread Incubating eggs.
      There is no such thing as a quail with no poop in the picture at my house. 🤣
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Incubating eggs with Like Like.
      But they poo so much! How do you get pics without all the poo 😂 I'll take some tonight. They are so adorable and tiny 🤗
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac replied to the thread Incubating eggs.
      Pictures or it didn't happen! 🤣
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Incubating eggs with Like Like.
      All remaining eggs were no good. We are officially done with 19 total and doing well.
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac replied to the thread Incubating eggs.
      I do 48 hours and into the trash they go. It's pretty common to have one die after trying to hatch.
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Incubating eggs with Like Like.
      How long do you wait for stragglers? One egg was wiggling around this morning but hasn't done anything today. The rest show nothing that...
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac replied to the thread Incubating eggs.
      I'm so happy it's gone so well.
    • TamiPac
      TamiPac reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Incubating eggs with Love Love.
      Here's where we are at as of now. 30 shipped eggs and 14 eggs from our own quail put in the incubator. 15 shipped and 11 of our eggs...
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